1 00:00:49,317 --> 00:00:52,733 An Old Egyptian poem goes as follows: "Nile, 2 00:00:52,983 --> 00:00:57,650 Nile, Nile, impetuous and turbulent river 3 00:00:57,942 --> 00:01:01,525 you're like our queen, the source of life. 4 00:01:02,900 --> 00:01:09,317 ASTERIX AND CLEOPATRA 5 00:02:01,108 --> 00:02:05,567 Our story begins in a distant past, in Alexandria, 6 00:02:05,900 --> 00:02:08,400 or at Alexandria, both are possible... 7 00:02:08,650 --> 00:02:12,817 ...in Egypt, at the palace of the queen of queens. 8 00:02:13,067 --> 00:02:16,275 The legendary and elegant Cleopatra. 9 00:02:16,525 --> 00:02:17,525 Enough! 10 00:02:20,650 --> 00:02:25,150 I'm saying Egypt's culture isn't all that great... 11 00:02:25,525 --> 00:02:28,692 There were good times of course. 12 00:02:28,942 --> 00:02:31,650 I'm just saying the current people are decadent. 13 00:02:32,817 --> 00:02:35,067 And that Egypt is merely a Roman province. 14 00:02:35,317 --> 00:02:37,900 A "province"! - Yes... 15 00:02:38,692 --> 00:02:41,400 Until further notice, o Caesar... 16 00:02:41,650 --> 00:02:44,317 ...it's not the Romans that build the great pyramids. 17 00:02:45,942 --> 00:02:48,442 Those pointy things? - And the sphinx? 18 00:02:48,858 --> 00:02:51,525 And the tower of Pharos? What do you think of that? 19 00:02:51,942 --> 00:02:54,317 That's old news. - Yesterday... 20 00:02:54,733 --> 00:02:58,733 ...or today, my people are superior. - In fact your people are... 21 00:02:58,983 --> 00:03:02,275 ...Greek, and I know better true Egyptians. 22 00:03:02,525 --> 00:03:03,775 Enough! 23 00:03:06,400 --> 00:03:09,608 I can prove to you, o Caesar... 24 00:03:09,858 --> 00:03:12,858 ...that my people are still brilliant. 25 00:03:13,108 --> 00:03:15,817 Yes? How? Painting portraits? 26 00:03:16,650 --> 00:03:19,650 No, by building a palace. 27 00:03:20,067 --> 00:03:21,817 I already have a palace in Rome. 28 00:03:22,233 --> 00:03:26,483 You'll get one in Alexandria too. So when you visit the "province"... 29 00:03:26,733 --> 00:03:31,400 ...you'll have somewhere to sleep. But it will be bigger... 30 00:03:31,650 --> 00:03:35,108 ...and more luxurious than all other palaces. 31 00:03:36,150 --> 00:03:39,775 Bigger than "Caesar's Palace"? I'd like to see that... 32 00:03:40,025 --> 00:03:41,317 You will see. 33 00:03:42,275 --> 00:03:45,650 Rome wasn't built in one day. When will it be finished? 34 00:03:46,525 --> 00:03:47,567 Three centuries from now? 35 00:03:47,983 --> 00:03:48,942 Three months. 36 00:03:51,150 --> 00:03:52,942 Three months? - Three months? 37 00:03:53,358 --> 00:03:54,442 Three... - ...months? 38 00:03:54,942 --> 00:03:57,525 Within 3 months you'll have your palace. 39 00:03:57,775 --> 00:04:00,275 It'll never be finished in time. 40 00:04:01,275 --> 00:04:03,067 But fine, I accept the challenge. 41 00:04:03,442 --> 00:04:05,858 If you make it, I'll publicly admit... 42 00:04:06,108 --> 00:04:10,358 ...that your people is still brilliant. But I have my doubts. 43 00:04:18,525 --> 00:04:20,525 See you in three months... 44 00:04:20,942 --> 00:04:23,275 He really gets the most of me. 45 00:04:34,775 --> 00:04:37,900 Oh no...why is the floor already finished? 46 00:04:38,150 --> 00:04:42,275 First the water pipes. Now we have to break up the floor. 47 00:04:42,525 --> 00:04:46,942 Malococsis, I'm not an architect. I'm a tiler. 48 00:04:47,192 --> 00:04:49,900 What's that door doing there? - No idea. 49 00:04:50,150 --> 00:04:53,858 Ask Edifis, the architect. - Architects... 50 00:04:54,108 --> 00:04:57,358 Along with cart wrights they're the most incompentent. 51 00:04:57,608 --> 00:04:59,108 Malococsis! 52 00:04:59,525 --> 00:05:02,483 Edifis... - I'm happy to see you. 53 00:05:03,650 --> 00:05:05,442 How are you? - Terrible! 54 00:05:05,942 --> 00:05:07,567 W...w...What's the problem? 55 00:05:07,983 --> 00:05:10,025 The door in the ceiling? - That? 56 00:05:10,442 --> 00:05:14,983 I anticipate. Should you want a second floor, no problem. 57 00:05:15,483 --> 00:05:18,608 And the tiles. Beautiful, huh? Feudartifis, come see. 58 00:05:19,317 --> 00:05:22,192 Are they beautiful or what? - Beautiful. 59 00:05:27,650 --> 00:05:29,358 Malococsis...trust me... 60 00:05:29,608 --> 00:05:31,775 ...I'm not a cart wright. - You're worse. 61 00:05:32,483 --> 00:05:36,108 You're running two months behind. Watch it, I have connections. 62 00:05:36,358 --> 00:05:39,358 People in high places who could cause you a great deal of problems. 63 00:05:40,608 --> 00:05:42,525 Preferably from Alexandria... 64 00:05:44,108 --> 00:05:45,650 Architect Edifis? 65 00:05:47,817 --> 00:05:50,317 No, that's...What's it about? 66 00:05:50,692 --> 00:05:53,233 I had to laugh because of the Alexandria joke... 67 00:05:53,483 --> 00:05:58,067 ...because people in high places makes me think about monkeys in a tree... 68 00:05:58,317 --> 00:06:00,442 You don't have to get angry. 69 00:06:03,817 --> 00:06:06,567 My little one...Wake up. Breakfast. 70 00:06:09,733 --> 00:06:11,400 Kinepolis... 71 00:06:11,775 --> 00:06:12,858 What's that? 72 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:15,192 Lovendpis... 73 00:06:18,108 --> 00:06:20,275 Serge... 74 00:06:24,942 --> 00:06:28,358 Artifis... clean the water. It stinks. 75 00:06:30,567 --> 00:06:32,108 I don't smell anything... 76 00:06:32,483 --> 00:06:35,400 I was just doing what I always do. 77 00:06:35,775 --> 00:06:38,442 That's your problem. 78 00:06:38,775 --> 00:06:40,233 You always do like you always do. 79 00:06:40,483 --> 00:06:42,483 Yes, I always do. 80 00:06:43,358 --> 00:06:46,942 The floor is weird. I don't feel it. 81 00:06:47,317 --> 00:06:48,692 Where is it? 82 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:52,525 Good day. 83 00:06:55,358 --> 00:06:59,067 Edifis, is Egypt the most powerful empire in the world? 84 00:06:59,442 --> 00:07:02,858 Yes. No one in the world has more power. 85 00:07:03,233 --> 00:07:06,650 Of course I don't know everyone. 86 00:07:07,025 --> 00:07:10,275 The Romans and Caesar have their doubts. 87 00:07:10,650 --> 00:07:14,275 I'm going to show him what we can do. - Ok. 88 00:07:14,650 --> 00:07:18,400 I'm building him the most magnificent palace. - Ok. 89 00:07:18,775 --> 00:07:21,358 And you, Edifis, will be the architect. 90 00:07:21,733 --> 00:07:23,233 Ok. 91 00:07:23,608 --> 00:07:25,942 I'll be the architect. Meaning? 92 00:07:27,192 --> 00:07:28,483 I'll have to... 93 00:07:30,400 --> 00:07:32,442 Al my other architects are busy. 94 00:07:32,817 --> 00:07:35,275 No, I'm not busy. 95 00:07:35,650 --> 00:07:37,317 He's not busy. 96 00:07:40,858 --> 00:07:43,442 Edifis, you're the only one available. 97 00:07:44,858 --> 00:07:48,525 I have no time. I have to finish my work for Malococsis. 98 00:07:48,900 --> 00:07:50,817 Only the tiles, but anyway... 99 00:07:51,192 --> 00:07:54,733 My Queen, as your architect I offer you my services. 100 00:07:56,483 --> 00:07:58,650 When the crocodiles have fresh water, I could... 101 00:07:58,900 --> 00:08:01,775 No, you're good, but too conservative. 102 00:08:02,733 --> 00:08:05,317 Conservative... What does that mean? 103 00:08:05,692 --> 00:08:08,650 I want something new, something refreshing. 104 00:08:09,025 --> 00:08:13,025 But... help Edifis. Find some land. 105 00:08:13,400 --> 00:08:15,025 Land? 106 00:08:15,733 --> 00:08:16,942 As you wish. 107 00:08:17,317 --> 00:08:21,233 Go, Edifis, you've got three months. 108 00:08:22,650 --> 00:08:25,358 Three months? What margin? 109 00:08:25,608 --> 00:08:29,983 Because three months, that's merely enough for the plans... 110 00:08:30,233 --> 00:08:33,775 ...and with the foundations, that's three times four, nine... 111 00:08:34,150 --> 00:08:35,650 Three months, that's... 112 00:08:36,025 --> 00:08:38,108 I don't think that's enough. 113 00:08:38,483 --> 00:08:42,983 Edifis! You've got three months. Exactly! 114 00:08:55,358 --> 00:08:57,817 If you succeed, I'll cover you with gold. 115 00:08:59,608 --> 00:09:02,858 If you fail, I'll feed you to the crocodiles. 116 00:09:32,150 --> 00:09:33,858 Where's the sweet little lamb? 117 00:09:35,442 --> 00:09:37,400 They ate the little lamb? 118 00:09:42,733 --> 00:09:45,525 I should build that palace. 119 00:09:45,775 --> 00:09:48,108 Then I, neither Cleopatra, the rain... 120 00:09:48,358 --> 00:09:50,108 ...the hail nor the locusts... 121 00:09:50,358 --> 00:09:55,358 ...would be Egypt's worst nightmare. 122 00:09:58,692 --> 00:10:02,317 17, 18, 19, 20, 21... 123 00:10:12,150 --> 00:10:16,025 474, 475, 476, 477... - Boss! 124 00:10:20,108 --> 00:10:23,150 Boss! I rushed myself... 125 00:10:23,400 --> 00:10:25,942 I was thinking about some sort of machine... 126 00:10:26,317 --> 00:10:29,233 ...that would enable us to reach the top of the pyramid. 127 00:10:29,483 --> 00:10:33,067 Otis... can't this wait? 128 00:10:34,525 --> 00:10:37,775 What are you counting, boss? - I'm measuring. 129 00:10:40,817 --> 00:10:43,233 Cleopatra wants a palace for Caesar. 130 00:10:43,483 --> 00:10:45,942 Here. On this stroke of land. 131 00:10:46,192 --> 00:10:49,733 From there... to there. 132 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:52,942 That would be a big palace. 133 00:10:53,192 --> 00:10:55,108 It has to be modern and daring. 134 00:10:55,483 --> 00:10:58,442 That's great. You can stop now... 135 00:10:58,692 --> 00:11:00,400 ...leave it to the experts. 136 00:11:00,650 --> 00:11:02,942 No time, we've got 3 months. 137 00:11:03,192 --> 00:11:05,150 Fine. And how much extra time? 138 00:11:05,400 --> 00:11:08,567 None. We've got 3 months, not a day more. 139 00:11:09,358 --> 00:11:12,025 Impossible. - That's obvious. 140 00:11:12,275 --> 00:11:14,483 However urgent jobs can be interesting. 141 00:11:14,733 --> 00:11:16,650 It's not urgent, it's suicide. 142 00:11:16,900 --> 00:11:20,442 If I fail, I'll be fed to the crocodiles. And I saw them... 143 00:11:20,692 --> 00:11:22,858 A crocodile is fast. 144 00:11:23,108 --> 00:11:25,775 Not good. I can't finish my machine. 145 00:11:26,025 --> 00:11:29,608 Did you hear me did you hear me? 146 00:11:30,192 --> 00:11:33,817 Yes, no, but... - Sorry, but I can be eaten. 147 00:11:34,192 --> 00:11:35,608 Three months starting when? 148 00:11:38,942 --> 00:11:41,400 The clock is ticking. - They've been working on the gardens for years. 149 00:11:41,650 --> 00:11:44,692 And there's nothing. Completely nothing. 150 00:11:44,942 --> 00:11:46,400 We need magic. 151 00:11:46,775 --> 00:11:50,775 We need to be magicians. Gods. 152 00:11:52,483 --> 00:11:55,900 Exactly... We need magical powers. 153 00:11:56,275 --> 00:11:59,025 Yes, it's not good news, but that's it. 154 00:12:03,525 --> 00:12:05,275 When I was little... 155 00:12:05,983 --> 00:12:10,150 ...my dad told me about this druid. Geta-Getabemix. 156 00:12:12,567 --> 00:12:13,983 Getasonixme... 157 00:12:15,358 --> 00:12:16,858 Something ending in ix? 158 00:12:17,608 --> 00:12:19,275 Helmutlottix? 159 00:12:19,650 --> 00:12:21,983 It starts with Geta... and ends in ininekix. 160 00:12:22,233 --> 00:12:24,483 How about Pommederainettepommedapix. 161 00:12:25,817 --> 00:12:27,442 A druid. 162 00:12:27,817 --> 00:12:30,733 A Gallic druid with a magic potion. 163 00:12:30,983 --> 00:12:32,900 It gives people enormous strength. 164 00:12:33,150 --> 00:12:37,358 Using that potion I'll finish in no time and stay alive. 165 00:12:37,608 --> 00:12:41,358 Imhotep, I didn't expect it, but suddenly I'm freed. 166 00:12:41,608 --> 00:12:43,025 Boss... 167 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:44,900 ...magic potions don't exist. 168 00:12:45,275 --> 00:12:49,067 Only on children's papyrus drawings. 169 00:12:49,692 --> 00:12:52,025 Get us some workers. Let them start the foundations. 170 00:12:52,275 --> 00:12:56,483 There will be a lane with big statues. Called "Big Statue Lane". 171 00:12:56,733 --> 00:13:00,983 And there gardens with olive and orange trees, willows, .... 172 00:13:01,233 --> 00:13:04,233 Yes, and there the palace, luxurious and magnificent. 173 00:13:04,608 --> 00:13:08,192 With a huge court yard and lots of dancers. 174 00:13:08,650 --> 00:13:13,400 And there a small geranium, yes, that will be beautiful. 175 00:13:13,650 --> 00:13:15,525 That will be really beautiful. 176 00:13:15,775 --> 00:13:18,233 You have to picture it. - Yes. 177 00:13:18,608 --> 00:13:22,192 I'm leaving. See you in a month. - A month? 178 00:13:22,567 --> 00:13:25,525 Max. The time to find Getabemix and come back. 179 00:13:25,900 --> 00:13:27,483 Go, Cannabis. 180 00:13:28,733 --> 00:13:30,442 Go, Cannabis! 181 00:13:30,942 --> 00:13:32,692 Let's go! 182 00:13:35,192 --> 00:13:37,775 You're not moving, Cannabis. 183 00:13:38,150 --> 00:13:39,650 Move it! Go, Cannabis! 184 00:13:39,900 --> 00:13:41,233 Where does that Mix live? 185 00:13:41,483 --> 00:13:45,317 Up north. He lives up north. 186 00:13:45,567 --> 00:13:49,317 Go, go Cannabis. 187 00:13:54,025 --> 00:13:56,983 The year is 50 B.C. 188 00:13:57,233 --> 00:14:01,775 Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Well, not entirely... 189 00:14:02,025 --> 00:14:07,358 One small village of invincible Gauls still holds out against the invaders. 190 00:14:07,567 --> 00:14:12,192 And life is not easy for the Roman legionaries who garrison the fortified camps of 191 00:14:12,442 --> 00:14:16,900 Totorum, Aquarium, Laudanum and Compendium... 192 00:14:17,150 --> 00:14:19,442 En garde, Gaul. Defend yourself! 193 00:14:20,358 --> 00:14:22,233 One moment please. 194 00:14:27,108 --> 00:14:29,275 What was that? - Are you new here? 195 00:14:29,650 --> 00:14:31,192 Yes, we've just been transferred. 196 00:14:31,567 --> 00:14:36,067 I understand. This potion is a magic potion... 197 00:14:36,442 --> 00:14:40,608 ...made by our druid and it makes us stronger. 198 00:14:44,983 --> 00:14:46,400 Look. 199 00:14:50,275 --> 00:14:54,192 Getamanix! Getamenixme! 200 00:14:55,067 --> 00:14:57,150 What kind of country is this? 201 00:14:58,150 --> 00:15:02,025 Incredible, it's minus 8000 degrees here. 202 00:15:10,733 --> 00:15:14,483 I don't have to drink it, I fell in when I was a little boy. 203 00:15:14,733 --> 00:15:18,025 It gives me extraordinary power. 204 00:15:18,275 --> 00:15:19,817 Look. 205 00:15:23,817 --> 00:15:25,650 Nice, huh? 206 00:15:26,775 --> 00:15:28,942 Good day. Where's the Gallic village. 207 00:15:29,775 --> 00:15:34,733 If you follow them you'll get there 208 00:15:35,108 --> 00:15:38,692 I'm not going with you, ok? I'm staying here. 209 00:15:38,942 --> 00:15:40,817 I'm going to think a little. 210 00:15:42,358 --> 00:15:46,025 Those Romans are good, they fly better than the others. 211 00:15:46,275 --> 00:15:49,858 It's because of their new helmets. They're more aerodynamic. 212 00:15:51,525 --> 00:15:53,275 Listen... 213 00:15:54,525 --> 00:15:57,192 Landing could be better. 214 00:15:58,108 --> 00:16:00,775 Excuse me? Are you Asterixme? 215 00:16:00,983 --> 00:16:04,025 Rix. Asterix. And this is Obelix. 216 00:16:04,275 --> 00:16:06,608 And the dog is Dogmatix. 217 00:16:06,983 --> 00:16:11,608 Do you know Getabamenix? A druid. 218 00:16:18,275 --> 00:16:22,942 Getafix, excuse me for disturbing, but you have a visitor. 219 00:16:25,150 --> 00:16:28,025 Sir? - It's me! 220 00:16:30,025 --> 00:16:32,108 He obviously doesn't know you. 221 00:16:32,358 --> 00:16:36,233 I, I, I'm Edifis. I'm Tumeris' son, your old friend. 222 00:16:37,858 --> 00:16:41,025 What a pleasant surprise. 223 00:16:41,858 --> 00:16:43,858 You must be frozen. 224 00:16:44,233 --> 00:16:46,192 I'm very happy to see you. 225 00:16:47,108 --> 00:16:50,525 He's from Alexandria. Come warm yourself. 226 00:16:52,817 --> 00:16:56,358 That's the magic potion? - No, chestnut soup. 227 00:17:01,983 --> 00:17:03,150 No. 228 00:17:03,525 --> 00:17:06,692 I can't sell you any potion. 229 00:17:09,400 --> 00:17:13,108 Not all of it. One cauldron. 230 00:17:13,775 --> 00:17:14,567 No. 231 00:17:16,150 --> 00:17:18,692 He won't budge, it's the principle. 232 00:17:19,067 --> 00:17:20,233 A small cauldron. 233 00:17:20,567 --> 00:17:21,817 No. 234 00:17:23,775 --> 00:17:25,733 A flask. - No. 235 00:17:28,567 --> 00:17:30,733 A small flask. - Nee. 236 00:17:31,108 --> 00:17:35,192 A cup. A small cup. A small cup, that's all. 237 00:17:36,483 --> 00:17:40,775 It's a secret among druids and not for sale. 238 00:17:44,692 --> 00:17:46,567 A little cup is not much. 239 00:17:47,483 --> 00:17:48,858 I'm sorry, Edifis. 240 00:17:54,567 --> 00:17:56,317 Ok then. 241 00:17:58,067 --> 00:18:00,233 You were my only hope. 242 00:18:01,192 --> 00:18:04,150 The small chance of survival. 243 00:18:05,192 --> 00:18:06,858 But I understand. 244 00:18:07,942 --> 00:18:09,150 You have other things to worry about. 245 00:18:10,400 --> 00:18:14,025 Caesar, the Romans. Who I'm not fond of. 246 00:18:15,858 --> 00:18:17,608 Maybe I'm going to die... 247 00:18:17,858 --> 00:18:19,608 But it was nice knowing you. 248 00:18:20,775 --> 00:18:21,900 Gentlemen... 249 00:18:23,067 --> 00:18:23,858 Midifix... 250 00:18:30,733 --> 00:18:31,942 But what's wrong? 251 00:18:34,983 --> 00:18:38,817 Edifis, wait. I've been planning to consult some manuscripts... 252 00:18:39,192 --> 00:18:41,358 ...in Alexandria's library. I can't promise anything... 253 00:18:42,608 --> 00:18:44,900 ...but I'll join you. 254 00:18:46,400 --> 00:18:49,483 Thanks. Thanks a lot, Getamanix. 255 00:18:49,858 --> 00:18:52,525 My ship is waiting, there's enough room for everyone. 256 00:18:52,858 --> 00:18:55,525 There's no time to loose. - Let's go, Dogmatix. 257 00:18:55,733 --> 00:18:58,775 You're not going to take him are you? - Why not? 258 00:18:59,025 --> 00:19:03,317 He's too small for such a big trip. And Egypt is the land of cats. 259 00:19:03,567 --> 00:19:06,817 Pack your bags and don't talk about any longer. 260 00:19:07,817 --> 00:19:11,567 "Don't talk about it..." 261 00:19:21,775 --> 00:19:25,483 Accompanied by the arctic wind, on board of the Napadelis... 262 00:19:25,733 --> 00:19:29,900 ...a long journey to Egypt begins, the land of Ra, the Sun God. 263 00:19:30,150 --> 00:19:33,608 Cleopatra's kingdom would soon welcome... 264 00:19:33,858 --> 00:19:36,108 ...Asterix, Obelix and Getafix 265 00:19:36,483 --> 00:19:38,733 And Dogmatix? 266 00:19:39,733 --> 00:19:40,942 What? 267 00:19:42,317 --> 00:19:46,108 I bark. I'm not allowed to talk anymore, so I bark. 268 00:19:46,483 --> 00:19:49,525 Fine. Take him out, before he suffocates. 269 00:19:49,775 --> 00:19:53,275 But it's empty. - "It's empty". 270 00:19:55,650 --> 00:19:59,233 Such a smart dog. My baby. 271 00:19:59,483 --> 00:20:01,983 How nice. He wanted to be with me. 272 00:20:02,233 --> 00:20:04,483 He got in there himself. - We were just saying... 273 00:20:04,858 --> 00:20:06,983 ...three months is a little short. 274 00:20:07,358 --> 00:20:09,067 Artifis is a real hyena. 275 00:20:09,442 --> 00:20:12,400 Do you know hyenas? Just the same. 276 00:20:12,775 --> 00:20:14,108 He wants me dead and he has many talents. 277 00:20:14,483 --> 00:20:17,067 Like what? - No, he's rich. 278 00:20:17,317 --> 00:20:20,400 He's got many golden talents. The Egyptian coin. 279 00:20:20,650 --> 00:20:23,317 In Gaul not the ones with most talents are the richest. 280 00:20:23,692 --> 00:20:27,358 Do we have to fear anything else? - No, nothing. 281 00:20:27,733 --> 00:20:29,608 Red Beard! Red Beard! 282 00:20:45,317 --> 00:20:49,483 Men, last time we weren't very lucky meeting those Gauls... 283 00:20:50,817 --> 00:20:53,483 ...with their magic potion, and that big dog. 284 00:20:55,442 --> 00:20:59,192 Completely outnumbered we had no other option than to... 285 00:20:59,567 --> 00:21:00,358 Run away. 286 00:21:01,400 --> 00:21:03,358 No, not really. 287 00:21:03,608 --> 00:21:06,275 We had to abandon ship as soon as possible. 288 00:21:06,650 --> 00:21:08,983 Swimming in that ice-cold water. - No, it was nice. 289 00:21:09,358 --> 00:21:11,275 It was ice cold. - Fine. 290 00:21:12,150 --> 00:21:16,900 To prevent further trouble, we'll avoid the Gauls. 291 00:21:17,150 --> 00:21:19,983 But for any others, no pity! 292 00:21:26,483 --> 00:21:29,442 Ship at starboard! 293 00:21:33,442 --> 00:21:35,858 Ready to board, daddy. Raise the oars. 294 00:21:36,233 --> 00:21:37,775 Calm down, my girl. 295 00:21:38,150 --> 00:21:39,983 Besides you're not making any sense. 296 00:21:40,650 --> 00:21:42,608 That's what I thought. 297 00:21:42,983 --> 00:21:45,400 How many ships, Boy? 298 00:21:45,650 --> 00:21:48,817 Just one, Captain, a small one. 299 00:21:49,983 --> 00:21:51,442 Egyptian, Captain. 300 00:21:51,817 --> 00:21:55,358 Egyptian. - Egyptian. Sounds good. 301 00:21:55,608 --> 00:21:59,942 This will get us back on track. - "Ipso facto et manu militari". 302 00:22:00,317 --> 00:22:01,108 Triplepod. 303 00:22:02,483 --> 00:22:06,692 Man your posts. Bosco, Gambler, Mullet, hoist the sails! 304 00:22:07,067 --> 00:22:10,067 Rackham, Worley, Husk, blow the horns. 305 00:22:13,025 --> 00:22:14,400 Get ready to board. 306 00:22:23,858 --> 00:22:27,025 I'm king of the world! 307 00:22:29,317 --> 00:22:30,733 Pirates! 308 00:22:34,483 --> 00:22:36,817 Help, pirates! 309 00:22:40,108 --> 00:22:42,900 Look, pirates. Quick, we have to have to get out of here. 310 00:22:44,442 --> 00:22:45,567 The pirates. 311 00:22:49,942 --> 00:22:51,108 It's us! 312 00:22:54,400 --> 00:22:57,567 The G... The Ga... The Gau... 313 00:22:57,942 --> 00:22:59,025 The Gauls! 314 00:23:00,275 --> 00:23:01,358 This can't be happening. 315 00:23:04,275 --> 00:23:08,483 Is there an axe here? Watch out. Pardon me. 316 00:23:12,608 --> 00:23:15,317 Calm down there. - What are they doing? 317 00:23:25,400 --> 00:23:28,442 Cheater! - It's not fair. 318 00:23:34,692 --> 00:23:36,942 Good. Sink it yourselves. 319 00:23:37,192 --> 00:23:38,775 They know who we are. 320 00:23:39,025 --> 00:23:43,275 They're old friends. We've met them many times at sea before. 321 00:23:46,733 --> 00:23:50,025 You see, "Abyssus abyssum invocat." 322 00:23:52,775 --> 00:23:56,817 Enough of those Latin proverbs. 323 00:24:05,692 --> 00:24:08,108 What's that at the horizon? 324 00:24:08,358 --> 00:24:09,733 The lights of Alexandria. 325 00:24:09,983 --> 00:24:12,525 Let the butterflies of my youth strand. 326 00:24:14,525 --> 00:24:16,108 I don't know why I just said that. 327 00:24:16,483 --> 00:24:18,775 I'm hungry. - We'll be there in the morning. 328 00:24:19,150 --> 00:24:22,817 That's the tower of Pharos, a beacon for ships. 329 00:24:23,192 --> 00:24:26,733 A beacon for ships. Egyptians are mad. 330 00:24:26,983 --> 00:24:31,900 It's one of the seven wonders of the world. The biggest construction ever made by man. 331 00:24:32,275 --> 00:24:33,942 I'm hungrier than a barracuda. 332 00:24:34,192 --> 00:24:37,108 Bar-ra-cu-da. 333 00:25:09,442 --> 00:25:11,025 You wanted to see me, Edifis. 334 00:25:11,400 --> 00:25:15,567 My Queen, the palace is getting along nicely but there is not enough time . 335 00:25:15,942 --> 00:25:19,442 That's why I asked some Gallic friends, a druid and 2 warriors... 336 00:25:19,817 --> 00:25:21,692 ...to help me with my task. 337 00:25:22,067 --> 00:25:24,650 I'm here to ask your approval... 338 00:25:24,900 --> 00:25:27,067 ...for their help. 339 00:25:27,442 --> 00:25:31,067 If it's ok with you. 340 00:25:32,317 --> 00:25:34,108 I wasn't sure. 341 00:25:34,358 --> 00:25:35,942 You can ask anyone for help. 342 00:25:36,317 --> 00:25:39,733 Finish the palace in time. That's all I ask. 343 00:25:40,900 --> 00:25:45,775 Caesar mocks me every day. I can't afford to loose this bet. 344 00:25:46,150 --> 00:25:48,025 He's completely full of himself. 345 00:25:48,400 --> 00:25:49,483 Completely. 346 00:25:49,858 --> 00:25:51,025 Completely. 347 00:26:10,817 --> 00:26:12,567 Listen... 348 00:26:12,942 --> 00:26:14,525 ...make sure you finish in time and everyone shall receive gold. 349 00:26:14,900 --> 00:26:16,567 I would like that. 350 00:26:16,942 --> 00:26:19,442 Else... the crocodiles. - I wouldn't like that. 351 00:26:24,733 --> 00:26:26,067 Now go. 352 00:26:35,233 --> 00:26:37,900 He's cute with that moustache. 353 00:26:38,358 --> 00:26:39,733 A little old. 354 00:26:39,983 --> 00:26:43,358 No, the other one. - No, too fat. 355 00:26:43,608 --> 00:26:44,692 You do it on purpose? 356 00:26:47,525 --> 00:26:52,233 She's probably got an evil personality, but a lovely nose. 357 00:26:52,858 --> 00:26:55,525 She'll feed me to the crocodiles. - Very lovely. 358 00:26:55,775 --> 00:26:57,650 Lovely nose, 359 00:26:57,900 --> 00:27:00,567 and with a little braid on the side. 360 00:27:01,442 --> 00:27:04,192 I'm going to be crocodile food and he's dreaming about her nose. 361 00:27:04,442 --> 00:27:06,858 Do crocodiles taste nice? 362 00:27:07,608 --> 00:27:10,275 Could you show a little more interest in me? 363 00:27:13,608 --> 00:27:15,817 A big ant. 364 00:28:11,608 --> 00:28:12,775 What a crowd! 365 00:28:13,150 --> 00:28:17,692 Looks like the biannual cattle market of Lutetia. 366 00:28:18,067 --> 00:28:21,692 All new breeds of cows are presented there. 367 00:28:21,942 --> 00:28:23,608 A great show. 368 00:28:23,983 --> 00:28:26,233 Which kind of cows do you have? 369 00:28:27,192 --> 00:28:30,608 Yes, continue. There's nothing going on. 370 00:28:30,858 --> 00:28:33,650 Yes, still a lot of work to be done. 371 00:28:33,900 --> 00:28:35,358 And only 2 months left. 372 00:28:35,608 --> 00:28:40,400 About that magic potion, when I visited you in Gaul... 373 00:28:40,650 --> 00:28:44,108 ...you told me you would take care of things. Now I would like to know... 374 00:28:44,358 --> 00:28:46,650 I said I would see if I could help. - How do you mean? 375 00:28:46,900 --> 00:28:50,192 Where did all that sand come from? - That was already here. 376 00:28:51,233 --> 00:28:54,733 All those stones were delivered by the Nile Express. 377 00:28:55,108 --> 00:28:57,108 Hitting those slaves is very violent. 378 00:28:57,483 --> 00:29:00,275 They're not slaves. They're construction workers... 379 00:29:00,525 --> 00:29:03,192 ...they do this voluntarily and they get paid. 380 00:29:03,525 --> 00:29:06,233 And those whiplashes are for fun? - No. 381 00:29:06,483 --> 00:29:09,650 Yes... I don't know. We haven't had any complaints so far. 382 00:29:10,067 --> 00:29:13,525 "Istou"? - Maybe it means "continue". 383 00:29:15,775 --> 00:29:18,192 The signal that the soup has arrived. 384 00:29:18,442 --> 00:29:21,567 No. They're relieved. 385 00:29:21,942 --> 00:29:24,733 Tradition calls for them to exchange hair. 386 00:29:25,108 --> 00:29:28,983 Now they're bonded by hair. 387 00:29:29,358 --> 00:29:31,525 It's a different culture. 388 00:29:31,775 --> 00:29:34,692 Do you remember that menhir I threw at Caius Bonus? 389 00:29:34,942 --> 00:29:37,483 I bet it weighed just as much as that bunch of stones. 390 00:29:37,733 --> 00:29:41,442 You should ask him. He's best positioned to answer. 391 00:29:49,483 --> 00:29:50,650 It's a different culture. 392 00:29:56,900 --> 00:30:00,192 Another bill. I hate paperwork. 393 00:30:00,442 --> 00:30:03,858 Otis, my writer. 394 00:30:05,608 --> 00:30:07,275 Writer, that's a comfortable position... 395 00:30:07,650 --> 00:30:11,692 I don't think there are any good or bad positions. 396 00:30:12,067 --> 00:30:16,317 If I have to summarize my life, I'll start with my encounters. 397 00:30:16,567 --> 00:30:21,358 The people that stood up for me, when I was all alone. 398 00:30:21,733 --> 00:30:25,067 It's strange that coincidence determines your faith... 399 00:30:25,317 --> 00:30:28,983 ...because once you've had a taste of the good life... 400 00:30:29,358 --> 00:30:33,150 ...it's sometimes hard to find someone to speak to. 401 00:30:33,400 --> 00:30:35,817 The mirror that helps you forward. 402 00:30:36,067 --> 00:30:40,233 But not in my case, cause I succeeded. I thank life... 403 00:30:40,483 --> 00:30:43,692 ...I sing, I dance. I'm love... 404 00:30:44,067 --> 00:30:48,608 ...and when people ask me why I'm so humane... 405 00:30:48,983 --> 00:30:52,567 ...I tell them it's the taste of love. 406 00:30:52,942 --> 00:30:55,442 Which today leads me to this kind of mechanical construction. 407 00:30:55,692 --> 00:30:59,275 But tomorrow might lead me to be of service to the whole community... 408 00:30:59,525 --> 00:31:02,775 ...and I'll give myself. 409 00:31:07,108 --> 00:31:10,317 What's for dinner this afternoon? - Lentils. 410 00:31:14,983 --> 00:31:16,900 I'll be back. 411 00:31:22,483 --> 00:31:25,817 This is the place where soon Caesar's Palace will be. 412 00:31:26,067 --> 00:31:28,233 To be finished in 58 days. 413 00:31:32,942 --> 00:31:34,233 What are you looking for? 414 00:31:34,483 --> 00:31:36,817 I've lost my lentil. 415 00:31:38,317 --> 00:31:39,400 Workers 416 00:31:40,442 --> 00:31:42,067 Workers. 417 00:31:42,817 --> 00:31:44,817 Friends. 418 00:31:45,358 --> 00:31:48,150 Have we gone back to the days of the pharaoh's? 419 00:31:50,525 --> 00:31:53,317 Slaving away and getting whipped? 420 00:31:55,317 --> 00:31:56,317 And for whom? 421 00:31:57,317 --> 00:31:59,442 For Caesar... 422 00:32:05,233 --> 00:32:08,275 Let him build his palace in Rome. 423 00:32:08,650 --> 00:32:11,525 Everyone at his place and the hippos will be fine. 424 00:32:11,900 --> 00:32:13,567 That's true... 425 00:32:24,192 --> 00:32:28,483 Friends, you are being exploited. 426 00:32:29,108 --> 00:32:33,608 You're being exhausted and... 427 00:32:35,233 --> 00:32:36,525 ...to be honest... 428 00:32:39,817 --> 00:32:41,317 There. 429 00:32:41,692 --> 00:32:43,108 He's right. 430 00:32:44,608 --> 00:32:47,567 And there two huge statues. 431 00:32:47,817 --> 00:32:50,150 But not too huge. 15 meters high is enough. 432 00:32:50,400 --> 00:32:53,733 And at the edge of the sphinxes, a big kitchen. 433 00:32:53,983 --> 00:32:57,858 Next to the bedrooms, that's maybe not ideal. 434 00:32:58,108 --> 00:33:01,942 Because of the noise and odour? - Could become annoying. 435 00:33:02,192 --> 00:33:03,650 Didn't think about that. 436 00:33:04,567 --> 00:33:06,858 Why are those grapes so big? 437 00:33:07,108 --> 00:33:10,775 They're dates, Obelix. They grow on those trees. 438 00:33:14,983 --> 00:33:16,983 Crunchy on the inside. - That's the stone. 439 00:33:17,233 --> 00:33:18,900 Not bad. 440 00:33:23,525 --> 00:33:27,900 Lunch break is over. Get to work! 441 00:33:29,150 --> 00:33:31,817 I hardly said anything. Only that lunch break was over. 442 00:33:32,150 --> 00:33:34,817 We're not satisfied! We're not satisfied! 443 00:33:38,025 --> 00:33:39,942 Please? - Yes... 444 00:33:40,317 --> 00:33:41,733 We're not satisfied! We're not satisfied! 445 00:33:46,775 --> 00:33:49,942 We refuse to work any longer under these conditions. 446 00:33:50,317 --> 00:33:53,608 It's unbearable. - We're not satisfied! 447 00:33:53,983 --> 00:33:56,150 Calm down, calm down. 448 00:33:57,483 --> 00:33:59,233 We're not satisfied! 449 00:33:59,608 --> 00:34:01,942 Who's in charge? 450 00:34:02,317 --> 00:34:03,858 Ok fine. 451 00:34:04,108 --> 00:34:06,400 I'll speak for all of us. 452 00:34:07,525 --> 00:34:09,900 I'm Itineris. - I'm listening. 453 00:34:10,275 --> 00:34:13,150 You have two new messages. 454 00:34:13,858 --> 00:34:18,317 First of all: we're working more than 18 hours a day or 36 hours in 2 days. 455 00:34:18,567 --> 00:34:20,942 We want it lowered to 35 hours. 456 00:34:21,192 --> 00:34:23,108 That'll never work. It'll cause problems. 457 00:34:23,483 --> 00:34:26,442 Secondly, and sorry for interrupting you... 458 00:34:26,692 --> 00:34:29,025 ...we want a decrease of at least 50%. 459 00:34:29,275 --> 00:34:31,275 An increase you mean. - No. 460 00:34:31,650 --> 00:34:33,858 A decrease of the number of whiplashes. 461 00:34:34,233 --> 00:34:35,983 We get too many whiplashes. 462 00:34:36,358 --> 00:34:39,275 Some people get headaches from the noise. 463 00:34:39,650 --> 00:34:41,942 Their head is ready to burst. - Yes... 464 00:34:42,192 --> 00:34:46,567 ...and concerning the food... Some wild boar alongside the lentils would be nice. 465 00:34:47,317 --> 00:34:50,150 The less whiplashes, the slower you work. 466 00:34:50,525 --> 00:34:53,442 Then the palace doesn't get finished in time, and I'll be fed to the crocodiles. 467 00:34:53,692 --> 00:34:55,942 Enough, Edifis. Itineris is right... 468 00:34:56,317 --> 00:34:58,983 ...to not allow that. 469 00:35:04,108 --> 00:35:07,650 I'm sure they would be happy with some wild boar. 470 00:35:15,150 --> 00:35:16,317 It's Ready. 471 00:35:22,733 --> 00:35:26,442 No, you fell in when you were little. 472 00:35:26,692 --> 00:35:29,358 Come on, Dogmatix. 473 00:35:29,692 --> 00:35:31,733 Give them a demonstration, Asterix. 474 00:35:32,817 --> 00:35:35,275 Be careful, it might be a bit too strong. 475 00:35:41,942 --> 00:35:44,817 It's a little too strong. - No, it's very good. 476 00:35:55,858 --> 00:35:57,483 Dogmatix, do a trick. 477 00:35:59,900 --> 00:36:01,025 Do a trick. 478 00:36:26,525 --> 00:36:27,942 Sit! 479 00:36:28,983 --> 00:36:31,108 It's a miracle... 480 00:36:39,733 --> 00:36:41,525 Is there enough for everyone? 481 00:36:41,775 --> 00:36:43,275 I'll make some more. 482 00:36:44,067 --> 00:36:47,150 No, Obelix, you... - Fell in when I was little.... 483 00:36:47,400 --> 00:36:49,108 Yes, alright. 484 00:37:50,150 --> 00:37:52,942 No! Obelix, no. 485 00:38:30,067 --> 00:38:33,025 Hohis. That's his name. 486 00:38:34,150 --> 00:38:35,650 Nobis? 487 00:38:35,900 --> 00:38:39,150 No, Hohis. With an h. 488 00:39:04,650 --> 00:39:06,983 Nexusis. 489 00:39:09,483 --> 00:39:10,942 Can I help you? 490 00:39:11,192 --> 00:39:13,983 An Imhotep. - Two. 491 00:39:16,275 --> 00:39:18,858 I have a job for you. 492 00:39:19,108 --> 00:39:20,483 No problem. Who do you want me to kill? 493 00:39:20,858 --> 00:39:22,400 No, we're not killing anyone. 494 00:39:24,817 --> 00:39:26,400 Here you go, two Imhoteps. 495 00:39:28,483 --> 00:39:31,400 The construction of the palace has to stop. 496 00:39:32,817 --> 00:39:36,358 They're waiting for stones from the south. 497 00:39:36,733 --> 00:39:39,400 Make sure they don't arrive. 498 00:39:39,733 --> 00:39:42,150 No stones, no construction. 499 00:39:43,317 --> 00:39:46,108 No construction, no palace. 500 00:39:46,608 --> 00:39:47,650 No palace... 501 00:39:49,817 --> 00:39:51,650 ...no palace. 502 00:39:53,567 --> 00:39:56,900 Here's some gold to cover your expenses. 503 00:39:57,942 --> 00:39:59,525 You give back whatever's left. 504 00:40:11,942 --> 00:40:13,900 Nice tunic. 505 00:40:36,567 --> 00:40:40,817 I came, I saw, I conquered. Veni, vidi, vici. 506 00:40:41,067 --> 00:40:44,108 The usual stuff. And sign with: 507 00:40:44,650 --> 00:40:45,817 "Cesare". 508 00:40:46,400 --> 00:40:49,442 "Cesare" or "Caesar"? 509 00:40:51,567 --> 00:40:54,942 Caesar. It sounded cool, but... 510 00:40:55,192 --> 00:40:56,442 Engrave 4 plates. 511 00:40:58,567 --> 00:41:00,483 Ave Caesar. Power and prosperity... 512 00:41:00,733 --> 00:41:03,400 Power and prosperity, Caius C+. Good news? 513 00:41:03,608 --> 00:41:06,400 I came, I saw, I conquered. As usual 514 00:41:06,650 --> 00:41:09,983 Veni, vidi, ok. Vici is a little premature. 515 00:41:10,233 --> 00:41:11,650 What do you mean? 516 00:41:12,192 --> 00:41:14,400 Gaul for example... 517 00:41:14,650 --> 00:41:16,150 What about Gaul? 518 00:41:17,692 --> 00:41:20,525 Gaul is vici. It's completely occupied. 519 00:41:20,775 --> 00:41:23,983 No it isn't. One small village of invincible Gauls still holds out... 520 00:41:24,233 --> 00:41:26,150 ...against the invaders, yes I know. 521 00:41:26,525 --> 00:41:28,733 I've heard it over and over. 522 00:41:29,442 --> 00:41:31,483 And Cleopatra, they stopped construction? 523 00:41:31,733 --> 00:41:34,608 No, it's going fine. 524 00:41:34,983 --> 00:41:39,150 It's beautiful. They even... on the inside... 525 00:41:40,150 --> 00:41:42,067 No. - Excuse me. 526 00:41:42,442 --> 00:41:46,025 Don't touch me... - They'll finish in time. 527 00:41:46,608 --> 00:41:49,275 Impossible. - The Gauls don't know the meaning of the word. 528 00:41:49,608 --> 00:41:54,192 Edifis got 3 of them to help him. One of them is the druid Teachix. 529 00:41:54,442 --> 00:41:55,400 Getafix? 530 00:41:55,775 --> 00:41:58,192 Yes, I knew it sounded like that. 531 00:41:58,442 --> 00:42:02,900 Also a little clever one and a big brute: Aikix and Journalduhix. 532 00:42:05,442 --> 00:42:07,108 Or Malcomix. 533 00:42:07,900 --> 00:42:10,608 Keep an eye on them for now. I'll decide later what to do. 534 00:42:10,858 --> 00:42:15,233 Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. 535 00:42:15,983 --> 00:42:20,608 The little Gaul has the name of a hero: Brucewillix. 536 00:42:27,650 --> 00:42:30,567 In the mean time, the ruthless Nexusis... 537 00:42:30,817 --> 00:42:34,650 ...sent by Artifis, was completing his mission. 538 00:42:35,067 --> 00:42:37,775 Cut off the supply of stones... 539 00:42:38,150 --> 00:42:42,233 ...by bribing the foul convoy supervisor. 540 00:43:13,067 --> 00:43:17,067 There the buildings can form a "C", from Cleopatra. 541 00:43:18,025 --> 00:43:19,483 It's Caesar's palace. 542 00:43:19,733 --> 00:43:21,775 That's possible too. - What do you mean? 543 00:43:22,358 --> 00:43:24,817 The stones have arrived. 544 00:43:32,317 --> 00:43:37,150 The supervisor says there are no more stones in the quarries. 545 00:43:38,108 --> 00:43:41,150 Funny language. - He wants to be paid. 546 00:43:41,567 --> 00:43:44,733 He's lying. - No, he really wants to be paid. 547 00:43:45,108 --> 00:43:48,025 No, about the quarries. There have to be more stones. 548 00:43:48,275 --> 00:43:50,442 I could make him talk. Can I? 549 00:43:50,692 --> 00:43:53,358 Ok. But don't overdo it, he needs to be able to talk. 550 00:43:56,775 --> 00:43:58,358 How do you say "talk"? 551 00:43:58,733 --> 00:44:02,400 In the sense of "I don't speak Egyptian very well"... 552 00:44:02,650 --> 00:44:05,983 ...it's "medou ene ere comete". 553 00:44:06,233 --> 00:44:10,150 If it's "talk a little slower", then it's "medou ere keteb". 554 00:44:10,400 --> 00:44:12,317 "Medou ere keteb". - No, "ketebece". 555 00:44:12,567 --> 00:44:15,150 "Ketebece". - "Keteb". "Ketebece", when they're 8 of them. 556 00:44:15,525 --> 00:44:17,775 "Ketebece". - No, not "ketebece". 557 00:44:18,025 --> 00:44:20,108 No, sorry. - No one understands you. 558 00:44:20,358 --> 00:44:22,150 "Keteb" open, "keteb" generious. 559 00:44:22,525 --> 00:44:23,942 Say... 560 00:44:25,150 --> 00:44:26,442 "Ouchebe". 561 00:44:30,733 --> 00:44:32,233 "Ouchebe". 562 00:44:32,858 --> 00:44:34,733 No? Not "ouchebe"? 563 00:44:37,525 --> 00:44:40,525 No, Obelix, not so furious. 564 00:44:40,983 --> 00:44:45,775 He says Artifis paid him to throw the stones into the Nile. 565 00:44:51,067 --> 00:44:53,858 There are enough stones in the quarry. 566 00:44:57,275 --> 00:45:02,150 Ai... Ai... He says... - Yes, ai, I understand that part. 567 00:45:02,400 --> 00:45:06,192 He says "ai" because he's in pain. I'm in pain. 568 00:45:06,442 --> 00:45:09,317 Not the moustache. Not the moustache. 569 00:45:11,608 --> 00:45:12,525 He's finished. 570 00:45:12,900 --> 00:45:15,233 We'll go with him. 571 00:45:15,483 --> 00:45:19,775 I'll stay here to keep an eye on things. Otis will accompany you to... 572 00:45:21,900 --> 00:45:23,942 Yes, to... 573 00:45:24,192 --> 00:45:26,733 Here. Amulets. 574 00:45:27,650 --> 00:45:29,983 Lucky charms to protect you. 575 00:45:31,275 --> 00:45:32,567 Thanks. 576 00:45:34,650 --> 00:45:36,692 Amsterisque. - Rix. 577 00:45:36,942 --> 00:45:38,775 Risque. - Yes, rix... 578 00:45:39,025 --> 00:45:41,150 Risque. 579 00:45:42,067 --> 00:45:44,983 The faith of Egypt is in your hands. 580 00:45:45,233 --> 00:45:47,983 Isn't that a little exaggerated? 581 00:45:48,942 --> 00:45:52,400 My faith is in your hands. - That's better. 582 00:45:56,400 --> 00:45:59,317 Go, Amsterisque! - Rix. 583 00:45:59,567 --> 00:46:00,650 Risque. 584 00:46:05,942 --> 00:46:08,608 So our Gallic friends and Otis went on their way... 585 00:46:08,817 --> 00:46:12,025 ...to the quarries to get the stones. 586 00:46:14,608 --> 00:46:16,983 What's wrong with your dromedary? 587 00:46:17,233 --> 00:46:19,150 It's my stomach. 588 00:46:19,400 --> 00:46:22,233 While I pack up the boat, you can visit the sphinx. 589 00:46:22,483 --> 00:46:25,942 There will be many restaurants. 590 00:46:26,192 --> 00:46:29,650 You can stuff yourself with all kinds of things... 591 00:46:29,900 --> 00:46:31,775 ...steamed fish, meat in sauce. 592 00:46:34,233 --> 00:46:36,150 I knew it, nothing to eat. 593 00:46:36,400 --> 00:46:38,150 Nice, those little sphinxes. 594 00:46:38,900 --> 00:46:41,650 I could make little menhirs. 595 00:46:41,900 --> 00:46:43,275 Sphinx! - Never mind. 596 00:46:43,650 --> 00:46:45,317 Sphinx! - No, thanks. 597 00:46:51,400 --> 00:46:54,400 Stranger, a portrait with the sphinx as souvenir? 598 00:46:54,775 --> 00:46:56,608 A statue in 30 minutes? 599 00:46:57,358 --> 00:47:00,233 Yes why not? It would look nice at my place. 600 00:47:00,608 --> 00:47:04,650 Do you accept sestertius? - Sure. Stand in profile please... 601 00:47:05,025 --> 00:47:06,400 ...shoulders up front. 602 00:47:07,650 --> 00:47:08,775 Not to far. 603 00:47:09,192 --> 00:47:13,858 We have to be more alert. Artifis is a snake. 604 00:47:14,233 --> 00:47:16,817 Besides the transport he could attack the construction site. 605 00:47:17,067 --> 00:47:19,317 We must organise a guard. 606 00:47:19,567 --> 00:47:22,483 What do you think, Obelix? 607 00:47:23,567 --> 00:47:27,025 Now where did he go? Obe? 608 00:47:27,275 --> 00:47:28,983 Obe. Obelix! 609 00:47:32,233 --> 00:47:34,233 Not to short? - No no. 610 00:47:37,317 --> 00:47:40,317 So you're from Gaul? - Yes. 611 00:47:40,858 --> 00:47:44,150 Been pretty hefty there lately... 612 00:47:44,525 --> 00:47:45,942 Obe... 613 00:47:49,817 --> 00:47:53,233 Obelix... - Hé! Hé! Asterix! 614 00:47:55,608 --> 00:47:58,108 Obelix, I'm sure that's forbidden. 615 00:48:00,483 --> 00:48:02,442 Come down at once. 616 00:48:16,442 --> 00:48:18,567 How nice... 617 00:48:18,942 --> 00:48:21,275 Come down. You're being childish. 618 00:48:21,567 --> 00:48:23,483 You look so small down there. 619 00:48:23,858 --> 00:48:26,608 Don't be stupid. Get off that sphinx. 620 00:48:28,567 --> 00:48:30,983 I'm going to take a walk on his head. 621 00:48:32,525 --> 00:48:34,692 Wise guy. 622 00:48:57,233 --> 00:48:59,108 Broken nose. 623 00:49:02,858 --> 00:49:05,692 Great. Remarkable. 624 00:49:08,608 --> 00:49:10,192 Congratulations, Obelix. 625 00:49:13,733 --> 00:49:15,567 You've outdone yourself this time. 626 00:49:15,817 --> 00:49:17,608 We could attach it again. 627 00:49:17,858 --> 00:49:20,358 Really? That's a great idea. 628 00:49:20,608 --> 00:49:23,025 With what? Did you see the size of that thing? 629 00:49:23,275 --> 00:49:25,942 Yes, it's a rock. A cliff. 630 00:49:26,150 --> 00:49:29,983 What am I saying? A peninsula. 631 00:49:30,233 --> 00:49:34,358 Stop making everything so complicated and find a solution. 632 00:49:34,608 --> 00:49:37,192 You're so clumsy, Obelix. 633 00:49:38,858 --> 00:49:40,358 Luckily no one saw us. 634 00:49:40,608 --> 00:49:43,317 He said: "Let the Greek balm you." 635 00:49:43,567 --> 00:49:45,233 Imhotep. - Tep. 636 00:50:06,525 --> 00:50:08,317 Help me, I only have two arms. 637 00:50:15,192 --> 00:50:17,650 Was that lightning? 638 00:50:27,733 --> 00:50:30,275 I told you I saw lightning. I'm not crazy. 639 00:50:35,692 --> 00:50:36,942 Done. 640 00:50:37,483 --> 00:50:40,775 No one will find it there. 641 00:50:41,817 --> 00:50:43,567 Fine, let's get out of here. 642 00:50:43,942 --> 00:50:45,358 Come on, Dogmatix. 643 00:50:46,608 --> 00:50:49,192 Not a word about this to Getafix. 644 00:50:49,442 --> 00:50:51,233 Nothing happened. - No. 645 00:50:51,483 --> 00:50:52,483 Nothing. 646 00:50:57,983 --> 00:51:00,150 Hey, my pyramids... 647 00:51:05,692 --> 00:51:09,442 Seeing the palace is progressing faster than planned... 648 00:51:09,692 --> 00:51:12,733 ...we demand, which is perfectly normal... 649 00:51:12,983 --> 00:51:16,442 ...an extra day off. 650 00:51:16,692 --> 00:51:19,233 You understand me, put yourself in my place Adis. 651 00:51:19,483 --> 00:51:20,817 My name's Edifis. 652 00:51:21,067 --> 00:51:23,358 What did I say? 653 00:51:28,900 --> 00:51:31,233 Itineris, I don't understand anything. 654 00:51:31,692 --> 00:51:33,317 Try to move a little. 655 00:51:33,567 --> 00:51:35,692 Now? - No. How about now? 656 00:51:35,942 --> 00:51:37,900 And now? - Try it. 657 00:51:38,150 --> 00:51:41,400 Do you understand me now? Because... 658 00:51:41,650 --> 00:51:45,317 ...I've been having that problem a lot lately. 659 00:51:48,858 --> 00:51:50,692 Are you alright, Obe? - I'm hungry. 660 00:51:53,483 --> 00:51:55,608 How could the build such a thing? 661 00:51:55,983 --> 00:51:58,067 Stone upon stone. - Indeed. 662 00:51:58,317 --> 00:51:59,650 Gauls... 663 00:51:59,900 --> 00:52:03,525 Feel like visiting the pyramid? 664 00:52:03,775 --> 00:52:05,317 For free. 665 00:52:05,692 --> 00:52:08,233 Not sure if we can learn anything. 666 00:52:08,483 --> 00:52:12,317 They say it's extraordinary. We're not in a hurry. 667 00:52:12,692 --> 00:52:15,358 Stay here, Dogmatix. Guard Getafix. 668 00:52:15,733 --> 00:52:17,567 If you're good, I'll give you a bone. 669 00:52:30,692 --> 00:52:35,483 Don't loose track of me. You won't get out of this labyrinth alive. 670 00:52:36,025 --> 00:52:39,025 Watch it, the corridors are very narrow. 671 00:52:39,275 --> 00:52:42,775 You can't be too fat. - No one is fat. 672 00:52:44,733 --> 00:52:47,150 On your right, Anubis. 673 00:52:47,400 --> 00:52:50,733 Touching. - The god of the dead. 674 00:52:54,483 --> 00:52:55,983 Through here. 675 00:52:57,067 --> 00:52:59,900 Come, distinguished guests, go in here. 676 00:53:00,317 --> 00:53:04,775 These hieroglyphs are beautiful. 677 00:53:05,900 --> 00:53:09,150 After you. Enter. 678 00:53:09,900 --> 00:53:11,150 Indeed. 679 00:53:14,775 --> 00:53:16,192 No! No! 680 00:53:19,733 --> 00:53:22,067 You'll never get out of here. 681 00:53:24,692 --> 00:53:29,192 This tomb will be your tomb! 682 00:53:32,233 --> 00:53:34,817 No way out. We are stuck. 683 00:53:35,192 --> 00:53:37,775 "This tomb will be your tomb!" Nice one. 684 00:53:38,025 --> 00:53:41,275 I'm too good. - I knew it. A free visit. 685 00:53:42,900 --> 00:53:45,608 Anyway, enough things to read. 686 00:53:45,858 --> 00:53:48,650 Hieroglyphs all look alike. - No. 687 00:53:48,900 --> 00:53:53,108 Look, Obelix, the colours... are beautiful. 688 00:53:53,483 --> 00:53:55,525 That's all really nice, but... 689 00:53:55,775 --> 00:53:58,317 ...if we don't find a way out soon... 690 00:53:58,567 --> 00:54:01,108 ...we'll have all eternity to figure them out. 691 00:54:02,817 --> 00:54:05,525 That's that. 692 00:54:05,775 --> 00:54:07,900 If they get out of here... 693 00:54:08,150 --> 00:54:12,025 ...I swear I'll never shave my head again. 694 00:54:12,400 --> 00:54:16,067 First of all we have to get that door open. 695 00:54:16,317 --> 00:54:17,442 But considering the size... 696 00:54:18,150 --> 00:54:19,525 Here, Obelix... 697 00:54:21,025 --> 00:54:24,567 ...for the first time you can have some magic potion.. 698 00:54:24,942 --> 00:54:27,067 Really? - That's what we said didn't we. 699 00:54:31,067 --> 00:54:33,192 One, two, three drops. 700 00:54:33,567 --> 00:54:35,900 That's enough. 701 00:54:56,733 --> 00:54:58,525 Well... 702 00:54:58,942 --> 00:55:01,608 That didn't seem to do anything. 703 00:55:15,108 --> 00:55:16,233 No, it's Geta. 704 00:55:19,900 --> 00:55:21,483 Yes, I'm here. 705 00:55:22,942 --> 00:55:24,192 Here. 706 00:55:29,942 --> 00:55:32,358 We're running in circles. 707 00:55:32,900 --> 00:55:35,483 The pharaoh's had splendid architects. 708 00:55:35,900 --> 00:55:39,067 We're in a serious situation here. - Very serious. 709 00:55:39,442 --> 00:55:41,025 I'm starting to get hungry. 710 00:55:42,025 --> 00:55:44,400 What do those hieroglyphs mean? 711 00:55:45,858 --> 00:55:49,442 There's no time to find out, we have to get out of here. 712 00:55:49,817 --> 00:55:53,358 We must set our priorities straight. 713 00:55:53,608 --> 00:55:56,983 I'm reporting to mister Asterix that's I'm hungry. 714 00:55:57,233 --> 00:56:01,150 I keep myself busy to forget I'm hungry. 715 00:56:01,525 --> 00:56:05,608 I forgot mister Obelix's stomach was more important. 716 00:56:05,858 --> 00:56:08,983 Wild boars and fights, that's all he needs. 717 00:56:09,358 --> 00:56:12,442 Mister Asterix knows everything better. 718 00:56:12,817 --> 00:56:15,483 Yes, maybe. - I'm reporting to mister Asterix... 719 00:56:15,858 --> 00:56:20,025 ...who wanted to visit the pyramid that this wouldn't have happened in a menhir. 720 00:56:22,442 --> 00:56:24,775 2 Sestertius for that logic. 721 00:56:29,317 --> 00:56:30,775 What's keeping them? 722 00:56:32,025 --> 00:56:35,942 The stones are loaded. We have to leave. 723 00:56:39,525 --> 00:56:42,942 I was excited. I was just saying something. Mea culpa. 724 00:56:43,192 --> 00:56:46,150 No, I said mea culpa. 725 00:56:46,608 --> 00:56:49,275 It also could have happened in a menhir. 726 00:56:49,483 --> 00:56:53,150 In any case, I can't get us out of this place. 727 00:56:53,817 --> 00:56:58,317 My friends, I fear this is the end of our adventures. 728 00:57:04,525 --> 00:57:06,317 Could someone light a torch? 729 00:57:06,567 --> 00:57:10,567 No, I have the amulets, but that's not going to help. 730 00:57:10,817 --> 00:57:12,900 I'm sorry for Edifis. 731 00:57:13,150 --> 00:57:16,067 I'm sorry for Dogmatix. 732 00:57:16,317 --> 00:57:18,817 Or not, Dogmatix? - Dogmatix? 733 00:57:19,067 --> 00:57:23,025 Yes, so? Don't blame me for bringing him! 734 00:57:23,275 --> 00:57:25,567 His sense of smell lead him to us. 735 00:57:25,817 --> 00:57:28,400 So he can get us out of here. 736 00:57:28,650 --> 00:57:31,108 That's true! Dogmatix, listen very carefully. 737 00:57:31,358 --> 00:57:36,233 If you get us out of here, I'll give you a pile full of bones. 738 00:57:53,858 --> 00:57:57,025 Yes! That's good... Dogmatix! 739 00:57:57,400 --> 00:57:59,775 Excuse me, we're fortunate you brought him. 740 00:58:00,025 --> 00:58:04,067 Sometimes I think he understands everything I say. 741 00:58:08,692 --> 00:58:11,025 And they returned to the construction site... 742 00:58:11,275 --> 00:58:14,483 ...aboard ships loaded with stones. 743 00:58:15,150 --> 00:58:17,650 We're going slowly. - Very slow. 744 00:58:18,025 --> 00:58:19,358 Too slow. 745 00:58:19,775 --> 00:58:23,150 At this speed we won't be back in time for the wild board banquet... 746 00:58:23,400 --> 00:58:24,942 ...lentils aren't that great... 747 00:58:25,192 --> 00:58:28,608 The Nile is an unpredictable river... 748 00:58:28,858 --> 00:58:31,650 ...sometimes impetuous, sometimes quiet. 749 00:58:31,900 --> 00:58:35,817 I wonder if you know this nice Egyptian poem. 750 00:58:36,067 --> 00:58:39,650 It goes like this: "Nile, Nile, Nile..." 751 00:58:47,067 --> 00:58:48,775 What's he doing? 752 00:58:58,942 --> 00:59:00,317 Men! 753 00:59:01,775 --> 00:59:03,817 We're seaworthy again. 754 00:59:04,192 --> 00:59:05,608 Hip hip hip... - Hurrah. 755 00:59:05,983 --> 00:59:07,650 Hip hip hip... - Hurrah. 756 00:59:22,900 --> 00:59:24,400 Watch out! 757 00:59:38,192 --> 00:59:41,983 By Toutatis, I know he fell... 758 00:59:42,358 --> 00:59:44,775 ...in a cauldron of magic potion... 759 00:59:45,025 --> 00:59:47,692 ...but he'll never cease to amaze me. 760 00:59:50,108 --> 00:59:53,608 Hip hip hip... hurrah... - Stop it. 761 00:59:54,275 --> 00:59:56,858 And construction was ready to start again. 762 00:59:57,108 --> 01:00:00,775 Edifis knew he would be finished in time... 763 01:00:01,025 --> 01:00:03,442 ...which, in the field of construction, was rare in those days. 764 01:00:04,025 --> 01:00:08,400 One sip a person. Just one sip a person. 765 01:00:08,775 --> 01:00:11,692 Fake potion is being spread. 766 01:00:12,067 --> 01:00:16,692 Same consistency, same colour, but it's pumpkin soup. 767 01:00:17,067 --> 01:00:20,567 The only real potion, is the one you get from the druid... 768 01:00:20,817 --> 01:00:22,025 ...around the cauldron. 769 01:00:22,608 --> 01:00:25,775 Thirty minutes from here. 770 01:00:27,817 --> 01:00:29,733 I closed the door and yelled: 771 01:00:29,983 --> 01:00:32,900 "This tomb will be your tomb." 772 01:00:33,150 --> 01:00:34,650 Not bad. 773 01:00:34,900 --> 01:00:38,317 I was also thinking: "Jackals, die like jackals". 774 01:00:38,567 --> 01:00:40,317 But that's jackals twice. 775 01:00:42,650 --> 01:00:45,733 What? They say hyenas? 776 01:00:45,983 --> 01:00:47,900 Locked up in the pyramid? 777 01:00:48,275 --> 01:00:49,525 I don't understand. 778 01:00:49,900 --> 01:00:54,192 They're magicians. You need supernatural powers to get out of there. 779 01:00:54,442 --> 01:00:56,150 They're tuff, those barbarians. 780 01:00:56,400 --> 01:00:59,608 I need an idea. 781 01:01:01,358 --> 01:01:05,108 Got one. I have a terrible idea. Two. Even three. 782 01:01:05,358 --> 01:01:09,442 I've got a whole bunch of ideas. I'm so good. 783 01:01:13,067 --> 01:01:16,483 I don't like that laugh. It frightens me. 784 01:01:16,733 --> 01:01:18,317 Get to work! 785 01:01:23,733 --> 01:01:27,483 That's not even close to the luxurious garden we need. 786 01:01:29,358 --> 01:01:33,692 Getamanix, you don't have any potion to speed things up? 787 01:01:34,067 --> 01:01:37,567 Like seeds for example... 788 01:01:37,817 --> 01:01:40,692 ...that grow into palm trees within no time? 789 01:01:40,942 --> 01:01:43,942 No, potions aren't the solution to everything. 790 01:01:44,317 --> 01:01:46,358 Some things can't be changed. 791 01:01:46,733 --> 01:01:50,900 Nature needs time to turn the seed... 792 01:01:51,275 --> 01:01:54,733 ...with sun and water, into a bud... 793 01:01:56,442 --> 01:01:58,400 ...and then... 794 01:02:00,817 --> 01:02:03,733 ...that bud... - Please. 795 01:02:05,025 --> 01:02:06,608 Please. 796 01:02:26,400 --> 01:02:28,567 It can't go any faster. 797 01:02:39,983 --> 01:02:41,900 Yes, fantastic! 798 01:02:50,692 --> 01:02:52,775 Can someone get me down from this tree? 799 01:03:00,900 --> 01:03:02,608 They started again? 800 01:03:02,983 --> 01:03:05,983 I'm not happy either. 801 01:03:06,358 --> 01:03:10,525 I also want Edifis to fail, for personal reasons. 802 01:03:10,775 --> 01:03:14,692 I was thinking I could be of some assistance maybe. 803 01:03:14,942 --> 01:03:19,275 After we've struck a fair deal... 804 01:03:20,442 --> 01:03:23,358 Not here. In my tent. 805 01:03:28,733 --> 01:03:30,358 I'm listening. 806 01:03:30,608 --> 01:03:35,567 Honourable Caesar, if I see to it the construction of the palace fails.. 807 01:03:35,817 --> 01:03:39,733 ...you'll appoint me and I'll finish the job in 2 months. 808 01:03:39,983 --> 01:03:43,900 That way you win the bet and Cleopatra is humiliated. 809 01:03:45,733 --> 01:03:47,983 Alright, if you finish it after 4 months. 810 01:03:48,233 --> 01:03:49,692 Three, I can't work any slower. 811 01:03:49,942 --> 01:03:53,608 Fine, but not any sooner, or you'll have to pay a compensation. 812 01:03:55,525 --> 01:03:58,733 That's a deal, honourable Caesar. 813 01:04:03,233 --> 01:04:06,650 How were you planning to sabotage the construction. 814 01:04:08,233 --> 01:04:10,067 With this. 815 01:04:21,150 --> 01:04:24,025 What shall I wear tonight? 816 01:04:24,400 --> 01:04:26,942 Careful, it's very, very tepid. 817 01:04:37,858 --> 01:04:39,650 A gift for the queen of queens. 818 01:04:41,942 --> 01:04:45,775 "As a token of honour to the queen of queens. The 3 Gauls: 819 01:04:46,025 --> 01:04:50,275 Getafix, Obelix and Asterix." How sweet. 820 01:04:52,067 --> 01:04:53,942 Can I open it? 821 01:04:56,275 --> 01:04:57,817 Oh, that's tepid. 822 01:05:00,233 --> 01:05:01,483 A cake. 823 01:05:01,858 --> 01:05:03,442 Tonight's desert. 824 01:05:03,817 --> 01:05:06,650 Modest meal, 40 dancers... 825 01:05:07,025 --> 01:05:09,567 ...80 musicians and 300 simple dishes. 826 01:05:09,942 --> 01:05:12,192 I don't like crowds either. 827 01:05:13,900 --> 01:05:14,942 Dinnertime! 828 01:05:15,317 --> 01:05:18,275 Ah wild boar... - Finally some normal food. 829 01:05:18,525 --> 01:05:21,192 Yes. - With lentils. 830 01:05:21,442 --> 01:05:25,442 That's not really allowed. It's pork more or less. 831 01:05:25,817 --> 01:05:28,858 We'll pretend we don't know. - Nobody moves. 832 01:05:29,233 --> 01:05:31,025 We're here to arrest the Gauls. 833 01:05:31,400 --> 01:05:33,817 Come on, for three wild boars. 834 01:05:34,192 --> 01:05:36,983 I'll beat them up and then we'll eat. 835 01:05:37,358 --> 01:05:41,858 No, wait. Wait! You're going to fight the whole garrison? 836 01:05:42,108 --> 01:05:46,400 Why not? That's illegal too? You can't do anything around here. 837 01:05:46,775 --> 01:05:48,858 Edifis is right. We're going to see Cleopatra. 838 01:05:49,108 --> 01:05:51,983 Yes, nice opportunity to see the palace. 839 01:05:52,233 --> 01:05:56,317 I'll stay here to keep an eye on the fire. It tends to go out. 840 01:05:56,567 --> 01:05:59,400 That's why I want to stay. 841 01:06:12,150 --> 01:06:15,525 Everything is tasted beforehand. 842 01:06:15,900 --> 01:06:17,900 Your scheme failed, Gauls. 843 01:06:18,275 --> 01:06:21,442 My taster was poisoned by your cake. 844 01:06:21,983 --> 01:06:24,192 We didn't send any cake. What cake? 845 01:06:24,567 --> 01:06:27,233 That cake. I don't see fifty others. 846 01:06:27,608 --> 01:06:30,108 The wild boars, ok, but for that... 847 01:06:30,483 --> 01:06:32,942 Silence! You tried to kill me. 848 01:06:33,317 --> 01:06:36,483 You will die. - By Toutatis! We are innocent. 849 01:06:36,858 --> 01:06:39,733 You have some nerve. - Ridiculous. We work... 850 01:06:40,108 --> 01:06:42,400 ...all day, breath dust... 851 01:06:42,650 --> 01:06:44,650 Eat lentils... - Yes, no... 852 01:06:44,900 --> 01:06:46,483 Yes we do, lentils. - Yes, but... 853 01:06:46,858 --> 01:06:49,900 We didn't send you any poisonous cake. 854 01:06:50,275 --> 01:06:53,983 A cake like that we would have eaten ourselves. 855 01:06:55,108 --> 01:06:56,692 Silence! 856 01:06:57,442 --> 01:07:00,358 This is ridiculous. - If she doesn't want to hear it... 857 01:07:00,608 --> 01:07:02,608 ...you don't say anything. For now. 858 01:07:02,858 --> 01:07:04,233 Take them away. 859 01:07:04,608 --> 01:07:07,483 And give the crocodiles an appetizer. 860 01:07:15,442 --> 01:07:17,233 I'm hungry. 861 01:07:21,108 --> 01:07:23,817 I'm hungry. Hungry! 862 01:07:25,525 --> 01:07:28,400 When I said hello, she turned her head. 863 01:07:29,608 --> 01:07:32,983 We used to laugh, said cuckoo... and now... 864 01:07:33,233 --> 01:07:34,567 ...all of a sudden... 865 01:07:34,942 --> 01:07:38,692 ...she won't look at me anymore. I'm a stranger to her. 866 01:07:38,942 --> 01:07:40,858 Cleopatra and you said cuckoo? 867 01:07:41,233 --> 01:07:45,858 He's not talking about Cleopatra, but about a courtesan. 868 01:07:46,442 --> 01:07:48,317 The one with the nice braid. 869 01:07:49,775 --> 01:07:52,608 Wouldn't surprise me if he were in love. 870 01:07:52,983 --> 01:07:54,400 I'm not in love. 871 01:07:55,233 --> 01:07:58,025 I want to tell her I had nothing to do with it. 872 01:07:58,400 --> 01:08:01,275 It's a juridical thing. 873 01:08:01,650 --> 01:08:03,567 Juridical, yes. 874 01:08:03,817 --> 01:08:04,983 Of course. 875 01:08:06,525 --> 01:08:08,067 Stop. - Cuckoo, I love you. 876 01:08:09,817 --> 01:08:13,233 It's great to look so stupid... 877 01:08:15,650 --> 01:08:17,067 Subtle... 878 01:08:17,442 --> 01:08:22,108 Sometimes you can be really nice, and sometimes we think you're... 879 01:08:22,483 --> 01:08:25,067 ...a fat idiot... - Who's an idiot? 880 01:08:25,442 --> 01:08:28,400 No idea. - Drink. A sip of antidote. 881 01:08:29,817 --> 01:08:32,150 Obelix, not everything. A sip. 882 01:08:32,400 --> 01:08:33,650 Yes, a sip. 883 01:08:34,025 --> 01:08:36,608 Now... Obelix, open the door. 884 01:08:36,858 --> 01:08:40,858 I didn't drink it all. Get out of my way. 885 01:08:41,108 --> 01:08:44,692 Yes, and when you come back you'll bring me a suit... 886 01:08:45,525 --> 01:08:50,067 Egyptians are mad. We ask them to get out of the way but they don't move. 887 01:08:55,608 --> 01:08:58,150 And? - I'm ready. 888 01:09:00,192 --> 01:09:02,858 I'm sick of standing in profile all the time. 889 01:09:03,108 --> 01:09:06,067 Can't you sketch my front for a change? Like this... 890 01:09:08,067 --> 01:09:09,733 Modern art... 891 01:09:10,108 --> 01:09:11,150 Please? 892 01:09:15,358 --> 01:09:16,275 Can we? 893 01:09:17,733 --> 01:09:19,317 I'd better leave. 894 01:09:19,692 --> 01:09:23,025 Gauls, since you want to see my demise... 895 01:09:23,275 --> 01:09:26,400 ...I'll, by Osiris, show you how a queen dies. 896 01:09:26,775 --> 01:09:29,442 No, by Toutatis, listen to us first. 897 01:09:29,775 --> 01:09:31,692 Where are your courtesans? - Why? 898 01:09:31,942 --> 01:09:35,483 No reason. I'm sure the cake wasn't poisoned. 899 01:09:35,733 --> 01:09:37,442 I think it's very tasty even. 900 01:09:39,525 --> 01:09:42,400 Obelix, cut 3 pieces of cake. 901 01:09:47,525 --> 01:09:48,692 We said three piece. 902 01:09:49,067 --> 01:09:50,400 One... 903 01:09:52,150 --> 01:09:54,733 Go on. - Two. 904 01:09:56,567 --> 01:09:58,025 And three. 905 01:09:58,817 --> 01:09:59,858 Obviously. 906 01:10:08,817 --> 01:10:11,608 And? You can see it's not poisoned. 907 01:10:12,150 --> 01:10:15,275 Tell your courtesans. Especially the one with the braid. 908 01:10:15,650 --> 01:10:18,400 Her name is Guimieukis. - Guimieukis. 909 01:10:28,942 --> 01:10:31,400 I had a dream last night. 910 01:10:32,775 --> 01:10:35,317 I'd won a million sestertius. 911 01:10:35,567 --> 01:10:39,775 I bought, shoes. Too big, and ugly too. 912 01:10:40,025 --> 01:10:43,525 Unbelievable. And weird, because... 913 01:10:43,900 --> 01:10:46,650 That Egyptian architect and his proposition... 914 01:10:47,025 --> 01:10:48,567 Ilemauris? - Artifis. 915 01:10:48,942 --> 01:10:51,692 Yes. - Incompetent. He hasn't achieved anything. 916 01:10:52,650 --> 01:10:56,150 Send one of ours, to spy and snoop around. 917 01:10:57,233 --> 01:11:00,233 Thinking of someone in particular, o Caesar? 918 01:11:00,483 --> 01:11:02,942 Someone sneaky... 919 01:11:03,317 --> 01:11:06,108 Cartapus! - Yes. 920 01:11:07,067 --> 01:11:09,358 Caesar, meet Cartapus. 921 01:11:09,733 --> 01:11:11,317 Our best spy. 922 01:11:11,692 --> 01:11:14,358 Ave Caesar. Power and prosperity. 923 01:11:15,025 --> 01:11:18,733 Cartapus is a professional. The queen of camouflage. 924 01:11:19,817 --> 01:11:22,317 If I look that way, you can see me. 925 01:11:23,025 --> 01:11:24,400 When I look this way, you don't. 926 01:11:25,233 --> 01:11:28,483 You can. You can't. You can. 927 01:11:28,858 --> 01:11:31,317 Can't. Can't. Can. - Incredible. 928 01:11:31,567 --> 01:11:33,900 You can't. Can't. Can. 929 01:11:34,150 --> 01:11:37,275 You can. Can't. You can a little. 930 01:11:44,733 --> 01:11:47,483 Amazing. - Yes. 931 01:11:48,358 --> 01:11:49,525 She wasn't even trying hard. 932 01:11:55,983 --> 01:11:57,858 They mock me. 933 01:12:03,192 --> 01:12:04,942 Four months... - Don't rush me. 934 01:12:05,317 --> 01:12:08,567 I've been waiting four months. - My mother will kill me. 935 01:12:08,817 --> 01:12:11,942 I have connections. - Come one, stay calm. 936 01:12:12,192 --> 01:12:14,567 Don't touch me! Impossible to stay calm. 937 01:12:14,817 --> 01:12:17,650 Malococsis, tomorrow I'll finish everything. 938 01:12:17,900 --> 01:12:21,442 I'll even give you a discount. I'd like that. 939 01:12:21,692 --> 01:12:23,233 He'd like that. 940 01:12:23,483 --> 01:12:27,817 If you're not there tomorrow, I'd rather not be in your place. 941 01:12:35,275 --> 01:12:36,233 And? 942 01:12:36,608 --> 01:12:38,650 The magic potion gives them incredible strength. 943 01:12:38,900 --> 01:12:42,900 I drank it and now I'm superman. Superwoman. 944 01:12:46,067 --> 01:12:47,733 You don't believe me, o Caesar? 945 01:12:47,983 --> 01:12:50,067 We shall see. 946 01:12:50,442 --> 01:12:54,358 Malivestus! Slap her. 947 01:13:32,233 --> 01:13:34,900 Caesar will personally deal with this matter. 948 01:13:35,108 --> 01:13:38,817 The dice is cast. Alea jacta est. Excuse me. 949 01:13:45,733 --> 01:13:51,067 In the name of Caesar! We know the Gauls are hiding here. 950 01:13:51,442 --> 01:13:55,192 I demand that Appendix, Olympix and Mannekepix... 951 01:13:55,567 --> 01:13:57,817 No, their names are Asterix... 952 01:13:58,192 --> 01:14:00,025 Their names don't matter! 953 01:14:00,650 --> 01:14:04,150 If they don't surrender immediately we'll attack. 954 01:14:04,525 --> 01:14:07,192 We're here to help Cleopatra. 955 01:14:07,567 --> 01:14:09,692 By Toutatis, we're not leaving until the work is finished. 956 01:14:10,067 --> 01:14:13,650 Don't be so aggressive. Maybe we can talk! 957 01:14:14,025 --> 01:14:16,067 We'll kill you all. 958 01:14:16,442 --> 01:14:17,858 I knew it. 959 01:14:18,108 --> 01:14:22,442 Jeanclaudus. Prepare the troops. And show no mercy. 960 01:14:22,692 --> 01:14:24,400 Antivirus. 961 01:14:24,942 --> 01:14:26,900 My name is Antivirus. 962 01:14:36,317 --> 01:14:39,525 Arm yourself. One, two, three... 963 01:14:39,775 --> 01:14:42,108 ...four, six...five... 964 01:14:42,692 --> 01:14:44,233 Come on. 965 01:14:49,608 --> 01:14:50,483 Get in line. 966 01:15:08,567 --> 01:15:12,275 Here. Put him in some shade. 967 01:15:13,150 --> 01:15:16,733 So, amateurs, coming to see the professionals at work? 968 01:15:16,983 --> 01:15:19,067 Yes, alright. 969 01:15:24,900 --> 01:15:29,608 Yes, if you're not used to it, it's rather impressive. 970 01:15:30,567 --> 01:15:34,192 Getamanix, magic potion for the workers. - It's their day off. 971 01:15:37,317 --> 01:15:39,483 So... 972 01:15:39,733 --> 01:15:44,858 This is the palace, there are the gardens. 973 01:15:45,233 --> 01:15:47,942 And there is the temple with the sphinxes. 974 01:15:48,192 --> 01:15:50,608 That's not a good drawing. 975 01:15:50,858 --> 01:15:53,025 No, I'm merely sketching. 976 01:15:53,275 --> 01:15:56,358 In perspective it's more like... 977 01:15:56,608 --> 01:15:59,025 I would have drawn it more in profile. 978 01:15:59,275 --> 01:16:01,442 Yes, you do it all the time... 979 01:16:13,358 --> 01:16:15,900 Those Romans are mad. 980 01:16:19,608 --> 01:16:21,275 Because of the violence in the next scene... 981 01:16:21,525 --> 01:16:25,275 ...we prefer to broadcast this documentary. 982 01:16:26,942 --> 01:16:28,858 In contrary to common belief... 983 01:16:29,108 --> 01:16:32,317 ...the langoustine feeds exclusively on shellfish. 984 01:16:32,983 --> 01:16:36,567 Which doesn't bother his humanity. 985 01:16:44,067 --> 01:16:46,108 Careful... 986 01:16:49,900 --> 01:16:52,775 One got through. Dogmatix, attack! 987 01:17:05,483 --> 01:17:08,775 Leave me alone. I've been beaten already. 988 01:17:11,650 --> 01:17:12,942 Alright. 989 01:17:15,025 --> 01:17:18,858 Sir, we don't allow such speeding here. 990 01:17:19,108 --> 01:17:21,358 We're not in Rome. 991 01:17:26,358 --> 01:17:29,400 Ave Caius C+, they withstood the attack... 992 01:17:29,775 --> 01:17:32,108 ...but some managed to get very close to the enemy. 993 01:17:32,358 --> 01:17:34,942 Bravo, brave soldiers. 994 01:17:35,442 --> 01:17:37,400 They shouldn't have challenged me. 995 01:17:37,650 --> 01:17:38,692 And what's that? 996 01:17:40,275 --> 01:17:43,150 We got right up to them... 997 01:17:43,400 --> 01:17:44,900 ...but they were nice. 998 01:17:45,275 --> 01:17:48,400 They let us go without beating us too much. 999 01:17:48,983 --> 01:17:52,817 What will we do now? I'm asking, as an amateur. 1000 01:17:53,067 --> 01:17:54,358 Attack again! 1001 01:17:54,608 --> 01:17:59,025 Caius C+, I'm not sure that's a good idea. 1002 01:17:59,275 --> 01:18:02,192 The Gauls are invincible... 1003 01:18:02,442 --> 01:18:05,108 ...I think we better give up... 1004 01:18:05,317 --> 01:18:09,775 I'm very disappointed by your attitude, centurion Antiquarus. 1005 01:18:10,025 --> 01:18:13,150 Antivirus. My name is Antivirus. 1006 01:18:14,233 --> 01:18:18,608 No one humiliates the Roman empire. If it's attacked... 1007 01:18:19,775 --> 01:18:22,442 ...the empire counterattacks. 1008 01:18:23,025 --> 01:18:26,692 He's mad. He hurt my throat. 1009 01:18:43,400 --> 01:18:45,608 It's too quiet. 1010 01:18:46,775 --> 01:18:49,567 I don't like that. 1011 01:18:50,567 --> 01:18:55,317 I prefer a little commotion. 1012 01:19:06,483 --> 01:19:07,900 Stop! 1013 01:19:08,900 --> 01:19:10,025 War machines... 1014 01:19:10,400 --> 01:19:12,233 Take your positions. 1015 01:19:13,733 --> 01:19:15,358 How low can you go. 1016 01:19:20,608 --> 01:19:22,650 Beautiful landscape. 1017 01:19:23,525 --> 01:19:25,483 Not good, not bad either. 1018 01:19:25,858 --> 01:19:27,650 Fire! Destroy the palace! 1019 01:19:29,358 --> 01:19:31,108 Ready? - Ready. 1020 01:19:31,858 --> 01:19:34,233 When I lower my arm... 1021 01:19:36,817 --> 01:19:37,733 ...you fire. 1022 01:19:38,108 --> 01:19:39,567 Easy. 1023 01:19:44,983 --> 01:19:46,900 There... bingo. 1024 01:19:47,275 --> 01:19:48,192 My palace! 1025 01:20:14,483 --> 01:20:18,275 I wonder why all this violence is necessary. 1026 01:20:19,692 --> 01:20:20,692 No, it's fine. 1027 01:20:25,275 --> 01:20:26,442 Come! 1028 01:20:37,858 --> 01:20:39,942 Fine. Excellent. 1029 01:20:49,150 --> 01:20:52,233 With such equipment it's easy. 1030 01:20:52,858 --> 01:20:56,358 It's not about the equipment. - Oh yes it is. 1031 01:20:56,608 --> 01:20:58,150 No. - Yes. 1032 01:20:58,650 --> 01:21:00,900 No. - Yes. 1033 01:21:01,858 --> 01:21:03,233 No. 1034 01:21:04,150 --> 01:21:05,108 Yes. 1035 01:21:06,983 --> 01:21:10,108 My palace is turned into a ruin. 1036 01:21:11,817 --> 01:21:16,108 Go on, Romans, fire. We no longer care. 1037 01:21:26,025 --> 01:21:29,025 You missed. You shoot like girls. 1038 01:21:35,608 --> 01:21:37,233 We're still here. 1039 01:21:37,775 --> 01:21:41,067 We must inform Cleopatra. She could force... 1040 01:21:41,317 --> 01:21:43,733 ...Caesar to stop. 1041 01:21:47,067 --> 01:21:49,192 No. No. 1042 01:21:49,733 --> 01:21:50,858 No. 1043 01:21:51,775 --> 01:21:52,983 No. - Yes. 1044 01:21:55,650 --> 01:21:58,942 Yours sincerely... 1045 01:22:03,942 --> 01:22:07,942 I have an idea. Dogmatix will bring the message. 1046 01:22:08,317 --> 01:22:10,775 Dogmatix will bring the message. 1047 01:22:11,067 --> 01:22:13,733 That dog? You want me to die? 1048 01:22:14,067 --> 01:22:18,067 Edifis is right. I mean... it's a dog. 1049 01:22:18,442 --> 01:22:19,775 He got us out of the pyramid. 1050 01:22:20,525 --> 01:22:21,275 Go on, Dogmatix. 1051 01:22:21,983 --> 01:22:24,650 Take this message to Cleopatra. 1052 01:22:25,442 --> 01:22:28,442 He's too young to understand. 1053 01:22:37,900 --> 01:22:39,983 I'm hit. 1054 01:22:40,483 --> 01:22:41,900 Never mind, I'm fine. 1055 01:22:47,400 --> 01:22:50,942 Men! We're seaworthy yet again. 1056 01:22:51,192 --> 01:22:54,025 Aboard our trusty old dragon boat. 1057 01:22:54,275 --> 01:22:59,442 It's an extraordinary mast, subtle as a bird. Hoist the sail. 1058 01:23:02,900 --> 01:23:04,233 Yes. 1059 01:23:04,942 --> 01:23:06,400 No. 1060 01:23:27,733 --> 01:23:28,733 No. 1061 01:23:30,525 --> 01:23:32,108 Too far. 1062 01:23:39,108 --> 01:23:40,275 I'm amazed. 1063 01:23:42,858 --> 01:23:44,525 It should hold. 1064 01:23:47,858 --> 01:23:49,817 A big sip. I'm leaving but I'll be back. 1065 01:23:50,067 --> 01:23:53,358 Hurry and be careful. 1066 01:23:58,650 --> 01:24:00,483 Hold on, Dogmatix. 1067 01:24:02,858 --> 01:24:06,067 Run, Asterisque, run! 1068 01:24:06,900 --> 01:24:07,692 Alarm! 1069 01:24:08,442 --> 01:24:11,317 I know that one. He's a grumpy man. 1070 01:24:12,442 --> 01:24:13,650 Shields! 1071 01:24:16,692 --> 01:24:17,692 Javelin! 1072 01:24:21,025 --> 01:24:22,817 Why isn't he stopping? 1073 01:24:31,400 --> 01:24:32,692 The magic potion! 1074 01:24:36,942 --> 01:24:39,942 Citebus, Trolleybus, get him! Quickly! 1075 01:24:40,192 --> 01:24:42,733 Go on! - But that's not my name. 1076 01:24:46,025 --> 01:24:48,442 Obelix is alone. Go help him. 1077 01:24:52,567 --> 01:24:54,358 I'm strong now? 1078 01:25:37,608 --> 01:25:39,275 Edifis... 1079 01:25:41,650 --> 01:25:43,650 ...prepare your sarcophagus. 1080 01:26:02,733 --> 01:26:04,692 Double evasion. 1081 01:26:15,900 --> 01:26:17,733 Pryadonis, violence... 1082 01:26:18,275 --> 01:26:20,400 ...never solved anything. 1083 01:26:20,775 --> 01:26:21,733 Stop talking. 1084 01:26:25,858 --> 01:26:28,692 Wait, I didn't drink any magic potion. 1085 01:26:53,483 --> 01:26:56,025 You lost. - Are you sure? 1086 01:26:56,400 --> 01:26:57,317 Very sure. - Ok. 1087 01:27:16,442 --> 01:27:19,108 No, no! I beg you, no! 1088 01:27:28,108 --> 01:27:31,817 I'm Artifis, and I beat Edifis... 1089 01:27:43,817 --> 01:27:46,317 The magic potion has worn off. 1090 01:27:46,567 --> 01:27:49,317 Cleopatra will never get the message. 1091 01:27:58,400 --> 01:28:01,483 Your family is fine? - Yes. Imhotep. 1092 01:28:01,858 --> 01:28:05,275 And your father? - Fine, Imhotep. And your sister. 1093 01:28:05,525 --> 01:28:06,733 Everything's ok. Imhotep. 1094 01:28:07,108 --> 01:28:09,483 What has become of your nephew? 1095 01:28:09,733 --> 01:28:11,025 He's doing fine, Imhotep. 1096 01:28:11,400 --> 01:28:13,817 And how's business? 1097 01:28:14,192 --> 01:28:15,983 Sorry, I'm borrowing this cart for a moment. 1098 01:28:27,442 --> 01:28:30,108 Many customers? - Enough, Imhotep. 1099 01:28:41,067 --> 01:28:42,483 How useful. 1100 01:28:42,858 --> 01:28:46,358 We can't catch him. - He's got one with 2 horses. 1101 01:28:46,608 --> 01:28:48,233 I can't go any faster. 1102 01:28:55,233 --> 01:28:57,567 Why does everyone always shout " ja, ja"? 1103 01:28:59,150 --> 01:29:01,025 Catch me if you can. 1104 01:29:20,483 --> 01:29:22,150 How will you get up? 1105 01:29:23,775 --> 01:29:25,483 Like this. 1106 01:29:27,442 --> 01:29:31,483 Fighting is ridiculous. Let's work together. 1107 01:29:31,858 --> 01:29:34,567 A lion doesn't cooperate with a cockroach. 1108 01:29:35,608 --> 01:29:36,858 What? 1109 01:29:37,233 --> 01:29:40,567 A lion, you know, doesn't cooperate... 1110 01:29:40,942 --> 01:29:42,150 ...with a cockroach. 1111 01:29:42,525 --> 01:29:44,858 I understood: "an ion... 1112 01:29:45,233 --> 01:29:47,900 ...doesn't calculate. 1113 01:29:48,275 --> 01:29:50,108 That means nothing to me. - No. 1114 01:29:51,567 --> 01:29:52,900 Attack! 1115 01:30:03,108 --> 01:30:05,442 When I said lion I meant myself! 1116 01:30:05,692 --> 01:30:07,483 I knew that. 1117 01:30:13,067 --> 01:30:14,150 What's going on? 1118 01:30:28,817 --> 01:30:30,692 The lion doesn't cooperate with the cockroach. 1119 01:30:42,692 --> 01:30:44,942 Who's the lion now? 1120 01:30:45,983 --> 01:30:48,900 Say it to my face, if you're a man. 1121 01:31:19,442 --> 01:31:20,442 Everything ok? 1122 01:31:29,275 --> 01:31:31,483 By Jupiter, a moment ago he was still here. 1123 01:31:31,733 --> 01:31:35,817 We're going home. Gone is gone. 1124 01:31:38,025 --> 01:31:40,483 I've had it with Edifis. 1125 01:31:40,733 --> 01:31:42,150 Where are we going? - To Cleopatra. 1126 01:31:42,400 --> 01:31:44,233 I'm scared. - Yes, play it smart. 1127 01:31:44,608 --> 01:31:48,692 I know Cleopatra very well. Watch me. 1128 01:31:48,942 --> 01:31:51,233 I'm afraid I have no choice. 1129 01:31:52,067 --> 01:31:55,858 One, two, three, four, five. 1130 01:31:56,108 --> 01:31:57,817 Antelope and lion. 1131 01:31:58,067 --> 01:31:59,858 What does the prediction say? 1132 01:32:00,108 --> 01:32:02,400 A message and a loved one. 1133 01:32:02,650 --> 01:32:03,983 Whatever. 1134 01:32:04,358 --> 01:32:06,400 My queen... - Malococsis. 1135 01:32:06,775 --> 01:32:10,608 Come on in. - Go, Dogmatix. Give her the message. 1136 01:32:14,442 --> 01:32:17,275 That's the message. - And there's the loved one. 1137 01:32:20,733 --> 01:32:24,067 My queen, as you may know I'm building. 1138 01:32:24,942 --> 01:32:29,025 In fact, it should have been easily finished four months ago. 1139 01:32:29,400 --> 01:32:30,692 What? - Easily. 1140 01:32:31,942 --> 01:32:33,650 He can't get away with that! 1141 01:32:34,025 --> 01:32:37,275 Thank you, my queen, that you care so much. 1142 01:32:37,650 --> 01:32:40,192 By Isis, he's a sore looser. 1143 01:32:40,567 --> 01:32:42,650 This is typical of Caesar. But this time... 1144 01:32:43,025 --> 01:32:47,567 ...he'll have to accept his defeat. We will finish in time. 1145 01:32:47,942 --> 01:32:50,817 No, the construction isn't finished. That's exactly the problem. 1146 01:32:51,067 --> 01:32:52,817 I'll see to it. You can go now, Gaul. 1147 01:32:54,442 --> 01:32:57,733 Guimieukis, show him the way. I'll be right there. 1148 01:32:59,858 --> 01:33:01,775 Pardon me, old man. 1149 01:33:03,275 --> 01:33:06,692 Come, my Dogmatix. - Come, my Gaul. 1150 01:33:07,442 --> 01:33:10,108 I believe you don't understand my problem. 1151 01:33:13,817 --> 01:33:15,692 It's that way. Straight ahead. 1152 01:33:15,942 --> 01:33:18,192 Be careful. - Yes. 1153 01:33:31,692 --> 01:33:33,608 Everything will be destroyed. 1154 01:33:33,983 --> 01:33:37,775 Everything will be fine Tranquilum. 1155 01:33:38,108 --> 01:33:40,067 That attack was a good idea, wasn't it? 1156 01:33:40,317 --> 01:33:43,275 Yes, not bad. 1157 01:33:50,358 --> 01:33:51,942 Asterix is coming back. 1158 01:33:57,067 --> 01:33:58,817 When I lower my arm... 1159 01:34:05,442 --> 01:34:06,608 Well? 1160 01:34:06,983 --> 01:34:09,108 Don't know. A reflex. 1161 01:34:26,150 --> 01:34:27,608 How did it go? 1162 01:34:27,983 --> 01:34:30,025 Cleopatra got the message. - Great. 1163 01:34:30,275 --> 01:34:32,650 The magic potion took this long to wear off? 1164 01:34:32,900 --> 01:34:34,775 Well, it's like this... 1165 01:34:36,275 --> 01:34:40,692 You had a taste of the best magic potion there is. 1166 01:34:42,567 --> 01:34:44,942 Good. Come, my dog. 1167 01:34:47,817 --> 01:34:50,692 Dogmatix just came back and he succeeded. 1168 01:34:51,067 --> 01:34:52,858 I was sure he could do it. 1169 01:34:56,400 --> 01:34:58,108 There's a little pink... 1170 01:35:00,608 --> 01:35:02,608 Ave Caesar. 1171 01:35:02,983 --> 01:35:05,233 Somebody wishes to see Caesar. 1172 01:35:05,483 --> 01:35:07,858 Who? - Someone. 1173 01:35:09,608 --> 01:35:11,358 I understand. 1174 01:35:16,192 --> 01:35:19,025 My queen, what a pleasant surprise. 1175 01:35:19,400 --> 01:35:22,442 Enough! I rushed over here... 1176 01:35:22,692 --> 01:35:26,192 ... without changing, when I heard about what's going on here. 1177 01:35:26,858 --> 01:35:28,025 What happened? 1178 01:35:29,108 --> 01:35:32,025 When you accept a bet you have to play fair. 1179 01:35:34,567 --> 01:35:36,983 The Gauls may help me. - I never said... 1180 01:35:37,858 --> 01:35:38,983 If I may say something... 1181 01:35:39,358 --> 01:35:41,525 Just one... - This is not conquered territory. 1182 01:35:45,525 --> 01:35:50,108 I demand the Romans leave the construction alone... 1183 01:35:50,358 --> 01:35:52,817 ...and repair all damages. 1184 01:35:53,192 --> 01:35:56,067 But... - Silence! Immediately! 1185 01:36:06,025 --> 01:36:08,692 So what do we do now? 1186 01:36:08,900 --> 01:36:12,400 What she said. We leave and repair the damages. 1187 01:36:12,650 --> 01:36:14,858 Of course, naturally. 1188 01:36:15,775 --> 01:36:18,733 I wouldn't want her to sniff her nose at me. 1189 01:36:19,817 --> 01:36:21,942 No matter how lovely it is. 1190 01:36:29,442 --> 01:36:32,108 The Romans are leaving. 1191 01:36:34,233 --> 01:36:37,192 That's good news. - They're leaving already? 1192 01:36:37,442 --> 01:36:42,275 Incredible that each of those Romans leaves his footprint in the sand... 1193 01:36:44,317 --> 01:36:46,317 Excuse me, I couldn't help myself. 1194 01:36:46,567 --> 01:36:48,358 That's alright. 1195 01:36:49,150 --> 01:36:53,525 For the first time Romans and Egyptians were working together... 1196 01:36:53,775 --> 01:36:57,608 ...on the construction of the palace. And just in time... 1197 01:36:57,858 --> 01:36:59,608 ...when the last grain of sand fell... 1198 01:37:37,692 --> 01:37:39,567 What are you going to do now, Edifis? 1199 01:37:39,817 --> 01:37:43,608 I still have to finish my work for Malococsis... 1200 01:37:43,858 --> 01:37:46,233 You don't have to worry about the crocodiles any longer. 1201 01:37:46,483 --> 01:37:47,858 That's why it could take a bit longer. 1202 01:37:48,108 --> 01:37:51,233 Not too lang. Can't become a habit in this line of business. 1203 01:38:02,858 --> 01:38:05,608 Caesar admitted his defeat... 1204 01:38:05,983 --> 01:38:08,442 I bow to the most beautiful queen of all... 1205 01:38:08,817 --> 01:38:12,608 ...and to the Egyptian people that after the Ro... 1206 01:38:15,358 --> 01:38:19,525 And I bow to the Egyptians who are the greatest people of all. 1207 01:38:24,400 --> 01:38:26,900 Cleopatra kept her promise to Edifis. 1208 01:38:27,275 --> 01:38:28,983 Let him be covered with gold! 1209 01:38:29,358 --> 01:38:32,275 That was the deal. Cover me with gold. 1210 01:38:34,983 --> 01:38:36,483 The queen gave Getafix... 1211 01:38:36,858 --> 01:38:40,775 ...valuable manuscripts from her library in Alexandria. 1212 01:38:41,150 --> 01:38:43,108 Your nose... 1213 01:38:43,733 --> 01:38:47,150 Your Majesty is too good, by Belenos... 1214 01:38:55,692 --> 01:38:58,942 Otis also gave the palace a modern touch. 1215 01:38:59,192 --> 01:39:00,358 What's this little chamber for? 1216 01:39:11,525 --> 01:39:13,275 It's Otis' invention. 1217 01:39:15,692 --> 01:39:17,775 It's the "no-effort". 1218 01:39:18,025 --> 01:39:20,442 We chose that name when we noticed... 1219 01:39:20,692 --> 01:39:23,650 ...that people can go up and down with no effort. 1220 01:39:24,025 --> 01:39:25,692 Speak for yourself. 1221 01:39:36,692 --> 01:39:39,942 Oh it tickles when it stops. 1222 01:39:45,817 --> 01:39:48,025 By Jupiter. 1223 01:39:48,358 --> 01:39:51,567 I want to explore every room of this miracle with you. 1224 01:39:51,817 --> 01:39:53,650 The palace is huge, Caesar. 1225 01:39:53,900 --> 01:39:56,483 It consists of 162 rooms. 1226 01:39:57,067 --> 01:40:00,317 It could take a while. 1227 01:40:02,025 --> 01:40:04,567 What do you think Cleopatra and Sesam are doing? 1228 01:40:04,817 --> 01:40:07,567 Caesar. - Cae-sar. 1229 01:40:08,775 --> 01:40:09,983 Nothing unpleasant. 1230 01:40:47,525 --> 01:40:49,900 As an exception to the rule... 1231 01:40:50,275 --> 01:40:53,733 ...the banquet, that concludes all of Asterix's adventures... 1232 01:40:54,108 --> 01:40:57,025 ...didn't take place in Gaul but in Egypt. 1233 01:41:03,192 --> 01:41:04,525 Those big shrimps are nice. 1234 01:41:04,775 --> 01:41:06,942 Homarus. - Obelix. 1235 01:41:09,442 --> 01:41:11,983 And the guy says: "That's the pha-ra-o." 1236 01:41:15,692 --> 01:41:18,108 Because his name is O. 1237 01:41:22,025 --> 01:41:26,233 His name is O and comes from Phara. 1238 01:41:26,483 --> 01:41:30,317 It's O from Phara. 1239 01:41:31,650 --> 01:41:33,400 The guy's name is O. 1240 01:41:33,650 --> 01:41:36,442 He says he's from Phara. 1241 01:41:36,817 --> 01:41:40,150 from Phara. Like the pharaoh. 1242 01:41:40,400 --> 01:41:42,275 The boss... our boss. 1243 01:41:48,067 --> 01:41:49,483 You have a lovely moustache. 1244 01:41:49,733 --> 01:41:51,733 Is it real? - Yes. 1245 01:41:51,983 --> 01:41:54,108 It's nothing. 1246 01:41:54,358 --> 01:41:57,192 You just let it grow. 1247 01:41:57,608 --> 01:41:59,400 Like your braids... 1248 01:41:59,942 --> 01:42:03,817 ...which are nicer then Obelix's. 1249 01:42:04,067 --> 01:42:07,358 Thanks. You know how to please a woman. 1250 01:42:07,608 --> 01:42:10,858 That's a local custom. 1251 01:42:11,400 --> 01:42:13,025 In Gaul. 1252 01:42:57,983 --> 01:43:00,567 Good evening. Your name, please. 1253 01:43:00,942 --> 01:43:02,275 What for? 1254 01:43:02,525 --> 01:43:05,192 It's a private party. I've got a list. 1255 01:43:05,400 --> 01:43:06,817 I'm Julius Caesar. 1256 01:43:09,483 --> 01:43:11,817 Sorry, impossible. 1257 01:43:13,192 --> 01:43:15,858 There must be a problem, because... 1258 01:43:16,067 --> 01:43:18,233 Excuse me. Make some room. 1259 01:43:20,775 --> 01:43:22,775 A warm evening? - Are you alone? 1260 01:43:23,025 --> 01:43:26,608 We're with two, four, six, eight. It's crazy. 1261 01:43:26,858 --> 01:43:28,900 Good evening. - There's a problem... 1262 01:43:29,150 --> 01:43:30,650 ...I have to be on that list. 1263 01:43:31,067 --> 01:43:34,608 How do you spell your name? - C, A, E, S, A, R. Julius. 1264 01:43:35,983 --> 01:43:40,150 Cetaparis, Seinesaindenis, C+, but I can't find any... 1265 01:43:40,400 --> 01:43:42,942 C+, that's me. - Are you C+? 1266 01:43:43,192 --> 01:43:45,108 Why didn't you say so? 1267 01:43:45,358 --> 01:43:47,150 Nice harness. - Thanks. 1268 01:43:47,400 --> 01:43:50,525 I'll see you inside. - Are you ok? Have a good time. 1269 01:43:50,775 --> 01:43:53,275 Can you look for Julius? 1270 01:43:53,650 --> 01:43:56,150 J, U, L, I, U, S. - Sir, I'm not... 1271 01:43:56,400 --> 01:43:57,775 I work here. 1272 01:43:58,025 --> 01:44:01,442 I don't know, but I know... There's one of my amphorae inside. 1273 01:44:01,817 --> 01:44:03,233 With a J? - U, L, I, U, S. 1274 01:44:04,025 --> 01:44:08,150 Yes, that's right. Julius Caesar. At the queen's table. 1275 01:44:11,608 --> 01:44:13,150 Good evening. 1276 01:45:03,317 --> 01:45:06,942 Is it in Alexandria or at Alexandria? 1277 01:45:07,192 --> 01:45:10,817 Because in the south of Gaul there's a city called Avignon. 1278 01:45:11,067 --> 01:45:14,733 There's a beautiful bridge. And people say "at Avignon". 1279 01:45:18,942 --> 01:45:20,525 Are you a courtesan? 1280 01:45:20,775 --> 01:45:23,483 Yes, and I used to do other things too. 1281 01:45:23,733 --> 01:45:25,692 I can talk without moving my lips. 1282 01:45:25,942 --> 01:45:28,025 It's funny, the way... 1283 01:45:28,275 --> 01:45:31,567 I have another one... here. 1284 01:45:34,442 --> 01:45:38,067 Every part of your face hides something beautiful. 1285 01:45:40,900 --> 01:45:43,275 A rose out of your ear... 1286 01:45:45,442 --> 01:45:47,983 A sphinx from your nose. 1287 01:46:06,983 --> 01:46:12,025 The guy says: "That's the pharaoh." 1288 01:46:13,067 --> 01:46:15,567 O is his name. 1289 01:46:15,817 --> 01:46:17,900 And he's from Phara. 1290 01:46:18,150 --> 01:46:22,650 That's where he comes from. Where he was born. 1291 01:46:22,900 --> 01:46:25,442 The pharaoh, because his name is O. 1292 01:47:56,192 --> 01:47:57,442 Help!